Helping the Newspaper Club. Part 3

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~ Haruhi's POV ~

It was time for the Newspaper Article to do their summary of what the Ouran High School Host Club does. Currently at this moment, we were play the Daruma Doll fell over. Basically what it is, a person has their backs facing away from us. The person saying "The Daruma Doll fell over" either goes fast or slow saying the phrase as the people try and walk as fast as they can light green light or red light.

"The Daruma doll fell over!" Tamaki yelled turning to see if anyone had stepped out of line when he finished his phrase.

"The Daruma doll fell over!" Tamaki said slowly.

"The Daruma doll fell over!" then fast, then quickly the three times he said it.

"I saw you Hikaru and Kaoru! I saw you two move!"

"What? we didn't move."

~ Tamaki's POV ~

I overheard the Newspaper Club being confused with the Daruma Doll fell over game.

"Could it be some sort of new religion?" Ukyo asked.

"How should I know?"

"You know I can't blame you for being shocked. I was unfamiliar with it myself but, it's a commoner's game they have a wide variety and they don't need to spend any money what so ever. All you need is a couple of friends to play with and you'll have a good time together." I said smiling with excitement.

"Hm and what does this have to do with the host club?" Akira asked.

"You need to learn friendliness!"


"If you want to cover up your reputation for the Newspaper Club and to capture the hearts of your readers, you must try to be down to earth. I can just imagine the headline right now. "The Handsome boys of the Host Club enjoying commoners games." With pictures of us frolicking in the summer weather."

"And it gets to show that a certain commoner is happy living his childhood dream." I said looking at Haruhi smiling as she looked away from me. I walked back to where I was supposed to be and saw that Kyoya moved.

"Ah ha I saw that Kyoya now you have to come over here."

"I didn't even make a move."

"Stop whining and get over here and play fairly."

"Alright." Kyoya said walking up to me.

~ Haruhi's POV ~

I slouched down getting tired of this game. I just want to go home and do something else.

"Why can't this just be over already?" I asked groaning slightly.

"You're Fujioka right? You wouldn't mind if I asked you some questions right?" Akira asked looking at me as he held a pen and a small notebook as Ukyo held a flimsy lighting photography light kit while Sakyo took a photo of me.

"Ummm sure." I said standing up straight looking at him.

"So why did you join the host club?"

"Well ummm honestly I was forced to join." I said answer his question.

"You're an honor student with a scholarship."

"Yes I am."

"So I other words you're in fact that you're a member of this club is just another example how the Suoh family loves to flaunt their power." Akira said writing down in his notebook.

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