Haruhi and Hikaru's First Official Date. Part 2

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~ Hikaru's POV ~
It was early in the afternoon. The cool warm breeze of Karuizawa flowed through me skin. I stood in front of Haruhi looking down at her.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." I apologized.

"Hold where's Kaoru?" she asked.

"Well ughh."

~ Today Early in the Morning back at Pension Misuzu ~

When I saw, that Kaoru was lying in bed I rushed to his side looking at him worriedly.

"Kaoru what's wrong?" I asked.

"I was supposed to go on a date with Haruhi to make up what had happened yesterday so I caught a cold." He said snuggling in the covers.

"So you're not feeling to good."

"Would you take her out in my place?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"She's expecting me to hang out with her all day. So make sure you show her a good time. If you don't do so well, she's never going to forgive you."

"Yeah that shouldn't be a problem." I said feeling a bit uneasy about going on a date with Haruhi.

"You sure?" Kaoru asked.

"Hey come on you think I can't do this?" I asked.

"Well you've never gone out with anyone before so listen to this carefully okay. You have to tell people how you feel or they will never know." Kaoru said putting his hand on mine.

                     ~ Present Time: Downtown Karuizawa. ~

"What should we do, do you wanna go back home?" Haruhi asked.

"No I promised Kaoru to hang out with you today so we might as well. But what's up with that outfit?" I asked looking at her. Haruhi was wearing a light blue long dress while wearing a pink tank top underneath. Around her neck what a white bow as her hair was into pig tails.

"Is it weird?" she asked holding the ends of her blue dress.

"Kind of." I responded.

                   ~ Kaoru's POV ~

As the rest of the host club including I walked into a little shop, we were watching Haruhi and Hikaru stand there and talk outside. Today, was Hikaru's first date. And two people from the host club, weren't so happy about that.

"Haruhi!!" Tamaki yelled reaching towards the glass window.

"Be careful boss, they'll see us." I said holding Tamaki back.

"Why did Hikaru and Haruhi end up on a date, anyway, I don't understand! How are yesterday's events even related to this?!" Tamaki yelled while shaking me confused about all of this.

"You know, this might be Haru Chan first official date." Honey said licking his ice cream. I gulped and looked at Tamaki who completely broke.

"Aah! You're gonna pay for that! And look at what she's wearing! It's super cute!" He yelled shaking me once again.

"Let me explain, the maids did this." I said walking outside.

"No fair, no fair, no fair, this isn't fair at all!!!" Tamaki yelled.

"Kaoru, this isn't fair this is Hikaru's first date while as well with Haruhi!!" Shiro yelled while shaking me by my shirt. She's too short to reach my shoulders so for her, my shirt is easier to tug on.

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