Happy Birthday Shiro! Part 3

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~ Haruhi's POV ~

Hikaru and Kaoru invited me and some girls to go exploring inside a cave.

"This is the place, it's the most haunted spot of Okinawa. Even the locals don't even come here." Hikaru said guiding us down.

"They say the only time you can find this cave is at low tide. Evidently, many people have died here from drowning and there soul still lingers taking revenge on anyone who happens to come inside." Kaoru said softly spooking up the girls.

"Look!" shouted Hikaru. I looked towards a scary ghost looking figure. Just then a skeleton hand reached out and touched my right shoulder.

"What's going on? Are you trying to freak me out?" I asked confused as Hikaru stood behind me holding the fake skeleton like hand.

"What's wrong with you, I thought everyone was afraid of ghosts?" Kaoru asked.

"But I never real ghost before." I replied.

~ Time Skip Back to the beach ~

"Haru-Chan would you come over here?" Honey asked standing on the Ootori Police Squad's truck.

"What the? Are you sure it's okay to drive a truck on the sand?" I asked and got on the truck standing next to Honey Senpai.

"Well, we're ready when you are private police people. Please lower the door."

"Yes Sir." They said and lowered the door, pitch black surrounded us.

"It's dark and scary here! It feels like I can't breathe somebody let me out!" Honey yelled fussing around.

"Honey Senpai please calm down."

"I can't take it anymore!" Honey screamed. After that, I looked at the sharp weapon that was in front of me.

"Mori, uhh you're my Senpai not a Sentai."

~ Time Skip to Sunset ~

~ Hikaru's POV ~

"Man this game is harder then I thought." I mumbled softly.

"No joke I thought it'd be easier then I thought. I'm already bored with it." Kaoru said and I nodded agreeing with him. I looked to see Haruhi walking in the sand looking for shellfish as my heart thumped looking at her.

"You let her down didn't you Hikaru?" Kaoru asked.

"Let who down?" I asked obviously lying to him. He chuckled and looked at me.

"You can't lie to me. It's obvious you hurt Shiro." Kaoru said. I looked at him and nodded. I did feel bad about hurting her I didn't mean to.

"Yeah I did." I said and looked away. I can't really make up my mind on both of them. I looked to see Tamaki walking towards us with a bucket full of something in it.

"What's up boss?" I asked

"I found some rat snakes. Surely she'll freak out when she sees these." Tamaki said as he showed us the snakes.

"Anyone would think those are creepy so it's not really a weakness." I said blandly.

"Hold on. I thought there weren't any rat snakes in Okinawa." Kaoru said. I looked back to the bucket and gulped oh no.

    ~ Shiro's POV ~

I sat on the big cliff again and looked at the sun set as Haruhi's clients stood next to me. I groaned but let it slide since I really didn't care. I held onto my flimsy white sweater tightly feeling the cold breeze go by.

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