The Fujioka Family. Part 2

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~ Haruhi's POV ~

"Im going to make us some tea." I said.

"Hey here's an idea, why don't you make some of this? It's black tea our father brought it as a souvenir from Africa here try it." Hikaru said handing me a medium size orange bag with a sun on it.


"It's best served as milk tea. Do you have any milk?" Kaoru asked.

"I think when's the last time I bought milk?" I muttered to myself and started going to the kitchen.

~ Tamaki's POV ~

As I watched Haruhi leave the room, I grabbed the twins and pulled them in.

"Stop it! Don't be so mean you idiots." I whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you're trying to embarrass her by asking for that African tea! Look she doesn't even know how to prepare it." I said and started to whine.

"She doesn't even have a tea pot." Hikaru said.

"She's too embarrassed to tell us that she doesn't have one. Im sorry Haruhi you don't have to go through all that trouble, we don't need any tea we'd be fine with a glass of water." Kaoru said.

"What it's no trouble besides I've already made it." Haruhi said pouring the tea into 7 separate cups.

"Oh alright, hey there's only 7 cups they're 8 people here." Hikaru said.

"Shiro wanted a glass of water she hates tea." Haruhi informed us.

"I prefer water over tea I hate tea." Shiro said. I huddled over the twin and felt my heart throbbing.

"Man that was a close one boss."

"We have been rescued by commoner's wisdom."

"What do you mean sir?" asked Kaoru.

"Nothing we know to be true in our world holds true here. We have to be careful for how we react, one little had remark could break Haruhi's heart. That means in this fight, the first person who embarrasses Haruhi loses." I said turning this into a competition.

"While your antics are amusing I don't understand why you need to feel like this a contest." Kyoya said looking through Haruhi's bookshelf.

"Like you have room to talk to Kyoya you're the one who always had a backup plan." Shiro said.

"Okay guys the tea is and water is ready. I'm sorry not all the cups match." Haruhi said placing the cups down in front where everyone sits. I looked at the cups, thank god they aren't chipped bowls and measuring cups.

"Go ahead Haru Chan you pick first." Honey said.

"Are you sure Honey Senpai?" Haruhi asked thinking about the kind of cake to eat.

"Go ahead we're rich we eat this all the time." said Hikaru.


"I was trying to be considerate."

"Hmm I'll have the strawberry." Haruhi said.

"She's so cute." the three of us said in sync.

"I wish I could tell her how cute she is but there's no telling her that might offend her." I muttered

"Okay Haru Chan, Takashi, Shiro and I are gonna have the strawberry one and Kyo Chan, Tama Chan and the twins can choose the rest." Honey said passing her the strawberry cake.

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