Chapter 37-Final Chapter

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 "You both got lucky, you get to experience what it's like to have a baby boy and a baby girl all at once."

I was surprised by the news but at the same time I was thrilled. So was Jayson, he flew out to see me and be here with me just for my appointment and head to head right back out in a few. I told him that he didn't have to but he insisted and I was glad to have him here honestly. This was a moment that no soon to be father wanted to miss.

"This is perfect."

I was going to be a mommy to a baby girl and a baby boy. Both the babies were growing stronger each and every day and were both healthy according to the doctor. That was always great news and as we made our way out I scheduled my next appointment. Now that I knew what I was having I could finally decorate the nursery and I'm sure once Alicia heard the news she wouldn't mind tagging along and doing some shopping with me.

"Do you want me to drop you back off at the airport," I asked him as we made our way to my truck, Jayson took an uber here directly from the airport.

"You trying to get rid of me?"

"Of course not but you told me that this was going to be a quick trip so I assumed you were about to leave again."

"I have at least two hours to spare," he took my hand in his, "Unless you want me to leave?"

"No," I pulled him closer to me, "I guess decorating can wait but you have a game later on and you should be practicing with your time and getting your head in the game."

"The best thing to do before a game to is relax and that's what I plan to do. I'll drive."

I didn't argue with him any longer because I was happy to spend some time with him even thought it was limited. I handed him my keys and he opened my door for me and made sure I was settled before walking around the car to get in himself.

"You hungry," he asked me.

"I ate before I left the house. What about you?"

"I could eat," he insinuated stroking his chin all the while staring at me. We were at a red light so he could look at me freely without me yelling at him to focus on the road. I rolled my eyes at him because I knew he was just trying to get a reaction out of me.

"The lights green."

Even I was playing hard to get as you could say I was fully anticipating what was going to go down once we got back to the house. He claimed he had at least two hours and I was trying to get my times worth before he left.

Once we got back to his house he scolded me from opening my own door and quickly was by my side so he could open it for me. Once I was out the truck he held onto my hand as we walked inside and once we did the first thing that caught my eye were rose petals littered all over the granite foyer floor.

I looked around before I focused on Jayson who had a sneaky grin on his face.

"When did you do this?"

"I didn't."

"Well who did?"

"Don't worry about that right now. I just wanted to do something nice for you."

"I appreciate it even though your always doing something nice for me."

He took my hand as we headed up the stairs and they were littered in rose petals as well. I thought it was so cute that he would do this for me. Once we were in the bedroom the trail of rose petals led to the bathroom and to the jacuzzi tub which was on, set to the perfect temperature and I could smell vanilla which came from the candles that illuminated the bathroom.

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