Chapter 10

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"What happened Saturday night," Alicia asked appearing in my doorway. I had my music on low and was painting a piece that I had came to mind over the last few days. Since I had spent the rest of the weekend at Greg's I got home late Sunday night and Alicia must have been out with Franklin so this was our first time seeing each other since the night of the grand opening.

"What do you mean," I asked stepping back to take a look at my work.

"I mean why did you leave so early?"

"I told you I just wasn't feeling well."

Which wasn't a complete lie but even so I had my back to her and kept my focus on my painting so she couldn't read me like she seemed to do so well.

"Well your parents were looking for you. They wanted to say goodbye."

"I know and I talked to them."

She was quiet and I thought that was the end of the conversation until she spoke again.

"And so was Jayson."

I rolled my eyes but kept my cool, I didn't respond because I didn't feel the need to. The only person Jayson should have been looking for was his pregnant girlfriend.

"He also told me that he's been calling you but you haven' been taking his calls."

"I haven't."


I kept quiet and continued painting.

"So your not going to tell me why your not answering his calls? He seemed upset about it. So upset that he took the time to reach out to me to see if you were okay."

"Seeing him and hanging out with him again was great but I did what he hired me to do. My work is done."

"Maybe so but that doesn't mean you have to cut off all contact with him."

Little did she know it did in my opinion and for the status of my relationship.

I didn't need to be talking to any other guy that wasn't Greg especially not Jayson.

"I don't see the harm in you talking to Jayson," she went on.

I finally turned to look at her. Over the past few days I did a lot of thinking and I made up my mind.

"I'm not going to do that because it would be wrong. How do you think I would feel if he was taking phone calls and going out with a girl from his past?"

"How do you know he isn't? He treats you like shit and you do better, way better. I mean he barely spends any time with you, barely reaches out to you. What kind of man can go weeks, months without seeing the girl that he's so called in love with?"

At her words I just stared at her and tried to not let her know how much they hurt. I sighed and calmed myself before speaking.

"Look I know that you don't like Greg-"

"That's an understatement," she snorted.

"But I wish you would stop. I love Greg and he loves me and he may not be perfect but neither am I. I don't go around bashing Franklin or your relationship so I wish you would stop doing so with mine."

She just looked at me and sighed, "Fine. From now on I'll stay out of it."

"Thank you."

She turned around and walked out of the room and mumbled something but I ignored her, I turned my music up and continued to paint in peace.

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