Chapter 11

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 It was the weekend and officially the start of spring break. Greg had left to go out of town yesterday morning but he called me last night to tell me that he got to New York safely and that he would call me when he found the time. I wasn't all that bummed about him having to leave for New York, I planned to spend the weekend doing relaxing in the house. As for spring break I planned to spend the days catching up some sleep, watch some shows that I was behind on and do some painting.

Today was warm and sunny so I started my day off by going for a run, something I hadn't done in a long while. As I headed back towards the house I was stopped by our neighbor Mr. Voss. He was in his fifties, white and worked from home so he was for the most part always home. He kind of reminded me of that show Mr. Rogers, my mom forced me and Amari to watch when we were little. He looked like him and dressed like him and was always so polite.

He was headed back from the mailbox. Instead of going back inside though he was stalling I could tell.

"Lovely day isn't it," he asked.

"It is," I agreed but didn't slow down but that didn't stop him from asking me another question.

"How far did you run?"

"Four miles," I answered, "I'll see you later."

"Oh," he called out to me as I walked away, "Happy belated birthday."

I turned back around and told him thank you before quickly heading inside and locking the door and put my back to the door. I turned to see Alicia peeking out the front window with her morning cup of coffee most likely watching our neighbor.

"He is such a old creep," Alicia closed the curtain and I smiled.

"Says the girl who was just spying on him."

"I was making sure that he didn't knock you out and drag you into his apartment. What did he say?"

"Just trying to make conversation," I shrugged.

"He's pervy."

"He's not, he's just friendly."

"Your problem is your too friendly. And he never goes out of his way to spark up conversation with anyone but you. I wonder why?"

"Maybe he would talk to you if you weren't always mugging him."

"Every time your around he can't take his eyes off of you. I could be standing next to you and you'd be the only one he'd see. He stares at you like you have a halo floating over your head."

"Whatever," I waved her off, "I'm going to take a shower."

"I guess him and Jayson have that in common."

I ignored her comment and continued walking until she told me to hold up.

"What time is Greg picking you up," she asked.

"He's not."

"So he canceled on you once again?"

"No he's out of town. New York. Business Trip."

She gave me a look and I knew her, knew her enough to know that she wanted to say something but surprisingly she held her tongue.

"Well in that case it's still your birthday weekend, what you want to do today?"

"I was going to spend the day painting, listening to some music."

She rolled her eyes, "Is that all?"

"Pretty much."

"Well luckily for you I was about to go to the store. I'm going to cook you dinner and then we can pig out and have some much needed girl time."

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