Chapter 23

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 "Okay wait- stop," Alicia grabbed my arm mid jog and put her hands on her knees while taking deep breaths. She acted like she was dying and we had only been jogging for five minutes.

"Are you serious right now," I put my hands on my hips and asked her, "We've barely even made it anywhere."
"I'm not used to this type of exercise. Running and jogging and being outside."
"What type of exercise are you used to," I was confused because she didn't work out at all as far as I knew.

"The kind that requires taking your clothes off and a bed. Or not even a bed, a couch or the shower or-"

"I get it," I held my hand up to shut her up, "We can just walk."

"Great," she agreed and we started to walk.

"Speaking of that kind of exercise I have a date with Franklin tonight and I'm spending the night at his place," she told me which has become the norm now that the two of them were engaged and as happy as ever.

"Have fun."

"Trust me I will, so what about you?"

"What about me?"

"I know your miss your boo, when does he come back to town?"

"I'm not sure but sooner the better."
"It has to be hard being away from him now that you two are official but just wait until you two have sex."

"I'm just saying. Once you have it and once it starts to get good you want it and want it all the time."
"I think I heard enough," I held up my hand to get her to be quiet.

"You might as well loosen up because I can bet my bottom dollar that Jayson will be the one you give yourself to and it will only be a matter of time."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because it's obvious and deep down you know it to other wise you wouldn't be googling how do you know if the guy your with is the one."

I stopped walking and just stared at her, "Stay off of my computer."
"Sorry. I left mine at Franklin's so I just grabbed yours for a quick second," she held up her hands in surrender, "But seriously your 22 not 12. You need to get in touch with your inner sexual being. The innocent portrayal is cute but sometimes men they like when woman are sexy and take charge."
I snorted because me, sexy was comical. Jayson told me I was sexy more times then I could count but he was supposed to think I was sexy. I couldn't help it if the thought of sex and intimacy made me giddy and nervous. I'm sure he was used to females throwing themselves at him sexual but I was a virgin and I wouldn't know where to start or how to be sexy.

"And just because your a virgin doesn't mean you can't be sexy," Alicia read my mind, "His birthday is coming up right?"
"It is," and I still didn't know what I was going to do for him.

"You can put on a cute little outfit, cook him dinner and he can have you for dessert."

Just the thought of putting on a skimpy outfit and wearing it in front of Jayson made me nervous despite the fact that just last week I had not only stripped down the my bare essentials in front of him but sat on his lap and felt what he was working with.

The thought of him having me as dessert made me blush but Alicia was right, if there was anyone I saw taking that step with it was Jayson. He was everything a woman could want in a man and I wanted to be with him and couldn't see myself with no one else I just hoped that he felt the same way.

"I can't do anything like that. I would probably make a fool out of myself. But I do think about taking that step with him, not yet but I think about it...quite a lot."

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