Chapter 26

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"Go crawl back in the hole you crawled out of and get the hell out of my face you stupid plastic bitch."

Jayson laughed loud and obnoxiously while I rolled my eyes. Somehow the confrontation with me and Layla had gone viral and Jayson couldn't get enough of it. He got in town this morning and kept playing the video over and over again. He was acting like it was funny when it wasn't.

"I wish you didn't find this so funny. I feel bad."

"For what? She stepped to you and you had a right to say whatever you wanted to her."

"True but now her and her pro plastic followers are coming after me. Calling me wrong for shaming her on getting plastic surgery."

"It's obvious she had surgery so she can't be mad when someone calls her out on it. I used to call her out on it all the time but it's her body so there was nothing I could do."

"It pisses me off that everyone is calling me out on body shaming her about her plastic surgery but none of those stupid bobble head bitches said shit when she was online calling me a homewrecker, a slut and a whore. Or reposting comments from her followers bashing me and my appearance, saying that I was too skinny, claiming that I was anorexic and saying that I was flat chested and had the body of a teenage girl before puberty."

I remember all of her past media rants well and not one of her followers thought she was wrong for the stuff she said to me but now I call her plastic and I'm the villain? Now that I thought about it I got pissed off all over again.

"I don't feel bad for anything I said," I crossed my arms over my chest, "Fuck all those bitches, every last one."

"And you shouldn't," he agreed.

"I don't even know why there so mad, all I did was tell the truth," I continued my rant, "They know just like I know that she wasn't born with those tits, those lips, those teeth, that nose or that ass and ain't no telling what else is manufactured on her."

Jayson started cracking up, half laughing at me and half laughing at the video that he was re watching for the fourth time. I crawled over his lap and grabbed his phone from him. He tried to grab it from me but I was too quick and before he could pry it out of my hands I stuffed it into my bra knowing he wouldn't dare pull it out.

"Okay I lied. I kind of do feel bad. I should of kept my cool," I pouted.

"You didn't do nothing wrong, you were just standing up for yourself and maybe next time she'll keep her mouth shut. I told you that one of these days you were going to go crazy."

"I wouldn't classify that as crazy but I wish that whoever posted the video would take it down. I don't want it to tarnish my reputation. I've always been known as innocent and sweet."

"Sweet," he laughed as if i was lying.

"Yes sweet. I'm a sweetheart. I'm nice to everybody and always going out of my way to help people. Don't act like I'm not because you know I am. I'm sure that's one of the things that attracted you to me."

Seeing as how your ex was the complete opposite I wanted to say but I kept my mouth shut.

"I never tasted you so how am I supposed to know how sweet you are," he said it so slick that I had to stop and think about what he just said and what he meant. I stared at him and watched him smirk, I glanced down at his lips and had to my way through the naughty thoughts in my head clamping my thighs together and closing my eyes all the while I could hear him laughing. I think he loved saying things to me like this just to see my reaction and it was even worse while he was talking to me late at night on the phone.

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