Chapter 1

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 My fiance Greg was 22 and was two years older than me, when I was a freshman he was a junior. I had seen him a few times on campus but never paid him any mind until he approached one day while I was walking to class. I had overslept and didn't want to be late but kept up with me. He didn't have to ask me my name because he already knew what it was, seems like everyone did thanks to my parents and how well known they were.

He introduced himself as Gregory but told me that I could call him Greg, then he asked if I wanted to go out with him sometime. I politely declined, I didn't come to college to fraternize with boys, especially ones that looked like Greg. He was handsome yes, but he was also white and before I met him I never imagined that we would work.

He took my rejection well, but I guess maybe it was inevitable because from that day it's like everywhere I went he just so happened to be there or vice versa. He was charming,sweet and convinced me to just allow him to be my friend and I agreed. Six months passed and in those months we became good friends, we opened up to each other and as time went by I developed feelings for him.

My best friend Alicia finally convinced me to take a chance and tell him how I felt. I didn't have to tell him anything because he beat me to it. He told me that he had feelings for me and I confessed the same. From there we starting dating and as time went by our relationship flourished.

Things with us were amazing, I was in love with him and he was in love with me. My parents liked him or at least my mom did, my dad didn't hate him so that was good. He proposed to me earlier this year on my birthday and I was happy, beyond that. I had found the one, my one, the guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Things were going great until he graduated and moved almost an hour away. He got hired at a top ranking investment firm and I was proud of him, so proud but I was also sad. We went from seeing each other daily to now not seeing each other barely at all. The phone calls and texts were nice, that it when we spoke which wasn't as often as we should.

I knew he was busy, so was I but I didn't like that I had to practically beg him to spend time with me but I did. And here I sat, on my couch wearing my brand new dress I picked out with him just in mind. My hair was straight, I was even wearing makeup but sadly it was all in vain.

Greg was supposed to be here over an hour ago but here I sat on my bed watching the clock and checking my phone. He didn't even have the decency to call and tell me that he was going to be late. I had called him four times so far and called him one more time but got the same results as before, voice-mail. I didn't bother to leave another message, I hung up and tossed my phone aside and kicked off my shoes and laid back on my bed not caring about my hair.

I didn't even want to go out anyway.... I lied to myself.

I woke up startled at the sound of my phone going off, I didn't intend on falling asleep but I did. I grabbed my phone thinking it was Greg but instead it was my best friend Alicia.


"Hey...were you sleep?"

"I was."

"I thought that you were supposed to be out with Greg, your back that quick?"

"I never went out with Greg, he didn't show."

There was silence on her end before she spoke once again, "Well I got ditched to. Melody and me were supposed to go out for drinks but she ditched me for her boyfriend."

"You sound upset about that."

"I am upset, very. Tonight was supposed to be girls night. We were supposed to start off winter break with a bang."

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