Chapter 25

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Jayson was back in Philly and after his prank stunt we've been the topic of discussion over most of the internet and I was getting clowned by strangers and even celebrities. Everyone seemed to be giving me their opinions on what I should of done and what they would of done if they were in my shoes. People could talk about they would of ran as soon as they saw it moved the first time and blah blah blah but I was in shock and thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me. I don't know about other people but its not everyday that you see a giant teddy bear moving by it's self.

I still couldn't that he had live streamed it to the whole internet but we received a lot of comments on people supporting our relationship and telling us how cute we were and calling us relationship goals. It was a big difference when not to long ago everyone was calling me a homewrecker, gold digger, opportunist, I could go on and on but I'm not.

Yesterday I spent the whole day with my brothers, I took them to the amusement park and the whole time they wouldn't stop clowning me. Amari surprisingly tagged along with us and won me a cute rainbow teddy bear just to turn around and mock me with it. I was over it though and couldn't wait until everyone else got over it as well.

I was at Jayson's again in the infamous room where the prank went down and I already checked the teddy bear just in case. I've been here for a few hours and got some work down and now I was laid back on the couch. Alicia had sent me a link for some online quiz she wanted me to take titled, 'Is Your Partner Your Soulmate'. I never was one for the stupid polls and relationship tests and wasn't even going to take it but I was bored and decided to go ahead and do it.

"Would you consider you guy your best friend," I spoke the question out loud.

He knew me just as well as Alicia did and he knew more about me then I cared to admit so yes.

"What's my idea of my perfect man hmm?"

I looked over the options, someone who plays guitar and works Someone who shares my views and understands me...possibly. Someone who loves me and offers me security...yes.

"What does your mom think of your man? Hopefully they don't ask about my dad," I laughed to myself. She thinks he's perfect for me and has loved him from the beginning I checked off that answer and moved on to the next question.

"How do you balance your guy between social activities?"

I went with closest answer out of the three since none of them described my relationship with Jayson.
"When it comes to love my motto is...if I'm meant to be with someone he'll come to me...cocky much? I refuse to settle for anything other than fireworks...yeah okay. All I need is love...check."

"Hows your sex life, haa what sex life?"
I thought about Jayson and how he would be in bed and knew he would be amazing so I went with the best answer. There had to be a reason Layla wanted him back as bad as she did.

"What do you and your guy usually talk about? Everything under the sun."
I picked the best answer and went on to the next question.

"Why did you pick your guy? Cause he's romantic and kind...maybe. Because you have the same goals? You don't feel like you picked him, the two of you just ended up dating...check."

"Does your man encourage you to do activities that you love? Heck yes."

I looked around my personal little art room where I was currently lounging out on the couch.

"How does your guy fit into your social circle?"

I picked the best answer and quickly clicked next so that I could get my results. When the results came in I read them over and smiled, according to this quiz Jayson was definitely my soulmate, my one and only. I wasn't dumb and I knew that a test really couldn't tell me if someone was my soulmate but before Jayson I didn't even believe in soulmates or fate.

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