Chapter 35

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 "Look at you," Alicia smiled taking it upon herself to rub my stomach. I was now around 12 weeks pregnant and the fact that I was pregnant with twins made me look twice that far along. Alicia thought I was the cutest thing, her words not mine and was the main one pestering me about baby names and was already planning the baby shower and of course had claimed her rightful spot as god mom and loved to brag about it to whoever we ran into.

Which was fine, a week ago me and Jayson released our maternity photos and I was surprised at all of the positive reactions we received. Some of the same ones calling me out and jumping on Layla'a bandwagon were some of the ones wishing me a happy and healthy pregnancy. Of course I had the debbie downers, the ones talking about how I got pregnant too fast and the reason being I wanted to trap Jayson. All lies.

Also the ones calling me stupid, saying that I was just going to end up another baby mama, telling me that I did it all wrong. Your supposed to get married first and then have kids....blah blah blah.

I didn't set out to get pregnant, I barely had enough time to simply enjoy Jayson's company or him mine and soon I was going to have to share him. This pregnancy wasn't planned I went out of my way and got on birth control, it's not my fault that I was in the 0.1 % and got pregnant. It was overwhelming at first finding out that I was not going to only be a mom times one but times two but in my eyes babies were blessings and I just got doubled in blessings.

Everyone around me was so loving and caring, so much so that I barely had to do anything. If I needed anything someone was there to get it for me. Alicia, my mom and even my dad. I thought he was going to take the news hard, be angry and yell but he was the main one coming around asking if I needed anything and making sure I was taking care of myself. My brothers were the same and don't even get me started on Jayson, he was the worst of them all. Every since I moved in with him when he was on the road he was always checking up on me and when he was home I couldn't even yawn without him rushing to my side.

I had gained at least a minimum of ten pounds but it was only because I think my mom and grandma were trying to fatten me up. Always coming over and dropping off food, I had nothing to do other than paint and sit around and eat all day but my doctor told me that I was perfectly fine and the weight I gained was nothing compared to the weight I was going to gain in the near future.

Autumn, my favorite season was in a few days and I was trying to enjoy the summer weather while it lasted and enjoy one of the very last times I could probably rock a bikini until next year so I lay poolside next to Alicia.

"So have you decided on baby names yet," Alicia asked me the question she's only asked me five times a day.

"I told you me and Jayson aren't going to decide on any names until we know what were having."

"True but you can pick some names that you like."

"To be honest baby names are the last thing on my mind," I admitted, "Plus it's something I want to do with Jayson no offense."

"I get it," she nodded with a shrug, "But what about names starting with J. Like you and your brothers have K and A names like your mom and dad. I was thinking for a girl you could name her Jasmine."

I smiled because I knew she wouldn't quit, "No not Jasmine."

"What's wrong with Jasmine?"

"I had this girl back in my freshman year names Jasmine and let's just say she was a bitch."

"Fine...what about Janice or Jayla or Karma?"

"Jayla is kind of cute," I admitted.

"See," she smiled proudly.

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