Chapter 36

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 "Kaliyah," Jayson called out to me for the third time in the past five minutes.

"Here I come" I huffed. I was four months pregnant now and everything was a struggle. Today was a big day seeing as how he was introducing me to his mom. I've met her before of course but never officially as her son's girlfriend, well now her son's girlfriend and mother of her grandchildren. I knew Jayson had a strained relationship with his mom so I considered this a big step for us. He's met all of my family and now he got to return the favor. Plus it was his mom's wedding anniversary and with her having other guests to tend to I figure she wouldn't grill me too hard.

I grabbed my purse and headed out the bedroom and into the living room. He had a few days off and so I flew up to Philly and we were staying at his penthouse and I was honestly glad to get away.

"Do I look fat in this dress," I asked blocking his view of the TV so he could get a good look at me, "And be honest please."

Tonight I was sporting a cute tan sweater dress or at least it was cute on me but I didn't know how I looked in it with my pregnant belly. It seemed like everything I tried on made me just look like I had a potbelly instead of looking pregnant.

The dress was still a tad loose but of course a bit tighter around my midsection. I did a spin for him so he could take my outfit all in. I just got my hair done in some faux goddess locks and I had a bit of fall inspired makeup on and sported gold jewelry. On my feet I wore a cute pair of flats, the only comfortable shoes I could stand wearing now that my feet had a habit of swelling in anything with a heel.

"Jayson," I sternly said his name because he was taking too long to tell me what he thought of what I had on.

"You look great baby."

"If I look great then why did it take you so long to answer my question?"

"I got distracted with how beautiful you are. I still can't believe that your pregnant, that were about to be parent's. Just two months ago you were a virgin."

"And now I'm pregnant."

The doctor confirmed that I got pregnant during our Dubai trip which I wasn't mad about. If I could go back in time just to do it all again then I would, no question.

"So I look pregnant...not fat?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that your pregnant, your not fat," he stood up from the couch and held out his hand to me and I took it with no hesitation and he kissed my cheek.

We arrive at his moms house over thirty mintues later and I was surprised to see how large the house was. The house was bigger than ours back home.

"Just your mom and her husband live here," I asked him as he opened the passenger side door and helped me out.

"It's big huh? It's the one she wanted so I bought it for her."
"This house is big enough for ten full sized families."

"Just wait until you see the inside."

He held my hand as we made our way to the front door past all the other cars in the drive. There was quite a few cars and so I knew I was going to be introduced to quite a few people tonight. I'm glad I wore some comfortable shoes.

After he rung the bell I looked up at him one more time, "Are you sure I look okay and that your mom will like me?"
After all that with Layla she dragged my name through the mud so I wouldn't be too surprised if his mom was skeptical about me. Plus considering the history our parents had. My mom let loose that her and his mom were friends until she tried to get at my dad behind her back.
"She doesn't have a choice but to," he kissed me and I melted into him just as the door opened. We pulled away and I knew the woman standing before me was his mom. I'm sure she saw us kissing, what a way to make my first impression, making out with her son on her porch.

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