Chapter 24 (EXTRA)

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 Jayson had been gone for a long while and this morning he called me and asked me what I was up to today and it just so happened that I was heading to his place to finally put the room he gave me to use. Alicia thought it was a huge sign what Jayson did for me and she even hinted that it was a sign that he wanted me around for the long haul.

I did agree that things were getting serious with us and me and Alicia had took a few of my mom's classes. The classes were supposed to be for woman who wanted to learn some new moves, spice up their love lives and in my case bring out that inner seductress and I think the classes were definitely working but things were still up for debate.

I let myself into Jayson's house and locked up behind myself. I put my shoes in the closet by the front door and locked up behind myself and set the alarm. The house was silent and every time I was here alone I had to get used to how big and quiet things were.

I headed on upstairs to my personal art room and sat my bag down on the couch next and glanced at the huge big brown teddy bear Jayson won me the last time we went to the fair. The thing was huge and almost solid and I laughed to myself remembering the day he brought it upstairs.

I walked over and to the balcony doors and walked out there and enjoyed the view for a good few minutes before heading back inside. I decided to sit at my desk and sketch something for the job I got hired to do by my most recent client who was a top criminal lawyer. She wanted me to redesign her massive closet to accommodate her massive wardrobe. She had a closet that could put most celebrities to shame and all the top designers.

I sat in my leather swivel chair I was and like the big kid I was I spun in the chair for a good minute before grabbing my supplies and my phone, putting on some music and getting to work. Music always got me in the zone while I worked and today I was in the mood for and as Destiny Child's Independent Woman started to play I bobbed my head and sang along.

A few of my favorite woman empowerment songs later and out of the corner of my eye I swore I saw the bear move. I stared at the bear for another few seconds thinking it was a figment of my imagination but it moved again and I dropped my pencil and pushed away from the desk.

I reached into my purse and debated on whether to pull out my taser or my pepper spray and decided to pull out both. The bear was right next to the door so I had no choice but to go near it to leave the room and run to safety. I kept my eyes trained on the bear and again it moved.

"The hell with this," I mumbled deciding to make a run for it. I waited a few more seconds before sprinting towards the door the bears arm reached out to grab me. I kicked it away and the thing tried to wrap it's massive arms around me and I started spraying and kicking.

"Ow shit!"

I gasped and swore I recognized that voice and took a few weary steps closer, "Jayson?"

I gasped again and backed up as his head popped out from behind or inside the bear and he was holding his face and I realized that I pepper sprayed him. I didn't even know how he got his tall and muscular body into the bear, tall and muscular body. Seeing him sorry was a sight for sore eyes after not seeing him for the past two weeks.

"Fuck," he yelled bringing me back to reality.
"Oh my god," he was hurt and just that quick I jumped into protective mode until I realized what he just did to me, "You freaking a-hole."

"Can you cuss me out later, I can't see," he groaned with his hands up to his eyes.

"Good," I said it like I didn't care but deep down the last thing I wanted to do was see him hurt.

I guided him to the bathroom and helped him flush his eyes out with cold water. He was whining like a big baby the whole time I helped him and it took us literally ten minutes to get the burning sensation to go away.

His whole face was red and once he stopped whining I punched him in his arm, "What the heck is your problem and what are you doing here? I just talked to you an hour ago and you told me you were still in Philly!"
"I got a free day so I flew down to spend a few hours with you."
"And scare the life out of me in the process?"
"It was a prank," he laughed, "I even had my phone set up in the room to record the whole thing."
I ignored him and headed back into the room where he showed me to his phone he had strategically placed and concealed out of my view. I turned to him and scowled with my hands on my hips while he just laughed his ass off.

"You play entirely to much. Turn it off and delete it."

"I can turn it off but everyone already saw what went down. I'm live streaming, say hi baby. I got you good didn't I?"

He waved at the camera and tried to hug me but I dodged him but he caught me again and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek all the while laughing.

He kept on laughing and I couldn't help but chuckle, "Your not funny."
"But did you really have to pepper spray me?"

"It was either that or tase you," I put my hand over my heart, "I can't believe you would do something like that to me."

"You were scared weren't you," he laughed and I got out of his arms and walked over to my bear and examined it closely. The sight almost brought tears to my eyes. There was a big hole in the back and majority of the stuffing in the middle was pulled out.

"You ripped up my bear," I pouted looking down at my poor teddy and then Jayson sadly.

"Your going to cry," he asked putting his arm around me which I swiftly removed.

"Maybe," I pouted looking down at my destroyed and deflated teddy bear. He was so huge and cute and I can't believe Jayson destroyed him all for a silly prank.

I watched as he walked out of the room and shook my head bending down the assess the damage of the teddy bear and some seconds later Jayson came back into the room and this time he had my teddy. I did a double take and got happy.

"Still mad at me?"
"A little," I nodded going over to hug my teddy. I was a big kid and literally loved stuffed animals. They were all like my children, every single last one.

"So you pepper spray me and I didn't even get a sorry but you hug and kiss the bear?"
I sighed letting go of the bear and walking over to him, looking at the damage I did and caressed his face and kissed it.

"I'm sorry," I kissed his lips twice and pulled away, "Forgive me?"
Instead of answering he leaned in and kissed me deeply and I was getting into it until I was reminded of something and pulled away.

"Umm do you still have your phone on?"
"I think so," he glanced in the direction of where it sat still recording us.
I simply looked at him, he knew what he needed to do and I was not about to make out in front of the whole internet. It was bad enough he had me looking like a fool. I could just imagine what everyone was going to say about this.

He was telling the people who had tuned in goodbye and I waved at the camera and once he was logged off I simply stared at him.

"You were planning this when you called me this morning weren't you?"
"I was. Are you mad at me?"
"Not at all, I can admit that you got me good."
"I did didn't I."
"Mmhhmm," I agreed. He may of won this round but if he thought he was good he hadn't seen anything yet. When he least expected it I was coming for revenge and it was going to be epic. 

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