Chapter 21

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 Today was the day of my parents anniversary party and I was a nervous wreck. Tonight was the night I was officially going to be introducing Jayson as my boyfriend and as if I wasn't already nervous about that my grandma called me the night before and now I was officially the live entertainment for tonight.

"You can do this honey. You have a beautiful voice and it's about time the rest of the world knows too," my grandma rubbed my shoulder encouragingly.

I nodded my head after taking a deep breath. The live entertainment canceled at the last minute and instead of finding someone else on such short notice she asked me to fill in and I couldn't say no. This was my parents day and I wanted everything to go perfect for them.

I've never sang in public before except for Karaoke with Jayson but I was singing for random strangers. Tonight I would be in a room full of all of my family and my parents friends and I was scared of making a fool of myself. Knowing me I would go up there and forget all the words to two songs I was supposed to sing.

"The band will back you up so all you have to do is give them the cue and they will start up the music."

I exhaled shaking my hands as if that would help somehow.

"I can do this, I can do this," I repeated to myself as I paced back and forth.

My phone rang out on the nearby table and I walked over to check who it was and I smiled softly when I saw that it was Jayson. We were going to drive together but I needed to be here early to help set up and practice and rehearse with the band.

"Hello? Are you on your way?"

He ignored my question and told me the one thing that I needed to hear, "Calm down."
I took a deep breath not bothering to ask how he knew I needed to calm down. Somehow he always seemed to know what I needed to hear or how I was feeling.

"I'm trying to but I'm scared. My hands are shaking," I stared down at my free hand, "What if I mess up?"
"You won't. Your going to be fine. Just breath and relax. I'm on my way."

"You are," I was relieved to hear that.

"Yeah I should be there soon."

Knowing he was almost here made me feel considerably better but I was still nervous.

I heard a quite a bit of clapping and knew that my parents must of arrived. My grandma gestured me off of the phone and I nodded.

"I have to go."

"Remember what I said."

After getting off the phone with Jayson put my phone away and stood near the curtain before my grandma winked at me and walked out onto the stage. Since she was there from the beginning she was giving a speech on my parents relationship. I was supposed to come out at my cue after she announced me and I would go out and sang.

"Our performer for the tonight is not only beautiful and talented but she also happens to be my grand baby. This is her first time singing live so everyone give her a warm welcome!"
I walked out on stage and my grandma greeted me with a hug and I took my cue. Looking out into the crowd my parents were up front and they looked surprised to see me. I just smiled and waved before turning around to the band and nodding my head to signal to he band that I was ready. They started to play and I took one final deep breath before starting to sing Aaliyah's At Your Best.

I started off stiff but as the song progressed I swayed form side to side and really got into it. The crowd was into as well because it seemed like everyone was coupled up and dancing to the song with their partners, my parents included. The people in the audience stopped becoming a concern and the only thing on my mind was putting my all into the song. The song was over quicker than I expected and when I was done everyone in the crowd clapped as my grandma joined me on the stage so she could start part two of her speech.

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