Chapter 33

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 Seeing Jayson was just what I needed. I loved him and I missed the hell out of him and it was so good to see him. He met me at the airport and as soon as I saw him I jumped into his arms.

"Are you going to get down or do you want me to carry you to the car?"

"Can you do both?"

I was honestly curious to see if he could. I didn't have a big bag because Jayson reminded me of all of the shopping at clothes I had in his condo still.

He was obviously up for the challenge because he carried me like I weighed nothing.

"I was just joking Jayson. Put me down, everyone is staring at us."

"Let them stare."

He let me down when we reached his car and on the way to his place the reality of my situation set in. There was no way I was going to get an abortion but I still don't think I was ready to be a mother yet. I just lost my virginity a month ago and I was already pregnant. Just goes to show you how unlucky I am.

"You hungry?"

"Are you," I asked him.

"I asked you first."

I sighed, "Not really. I'm just kind of tired."

Lately I've been very sensitive when I smelled certain foods and only been able to keep certain foods down.

"Well we'll go back to my place and if you get hungry later we can go out or just order in."

I nodded my head in agreement and then gazed out of the window for the rest of the ride. Over the past few days I tried to map out in my head ways to tell him but I couldn't decide if this pregnancy was a good or bad timing. Should I just sit down and tell him flat out or should I surprise him with the news in a cute way?

When we got back to his place I unpacked the little bit of things I did have and washed up before crawling into bed. Not because I was sleepy but because I was trying to avoid the much needed conversation me and Jayson needed to have. No more than ten minutes after I was laying down Jayson came and joined me.

I tensed up in his arms at first but soon relaxed.

"You okay," he asked me.

"I'm fine why?"

"Don't know, you just seem off."

"Everything is fine. I'm just tired is all. You don't have to lay with me, I'm sure you have something better to do."

"I don't actually. I'm right where I want to be."

His words comforted me but only made me wonder for how long.


"What's wrong?"

I felt like he was going to ask me this soon, it's been a whole day since I've been in Philly and I've been trying to play it cool but it was hard. Plus Jayson could read me like no other so it didn't surprise me that he could tell something wasn't right with me.

"Nothing," I answered.

"You been acting off since you got here so I know something has to be wrong."

I instantly felt bad about my standoffish behavior over the past day, barely talking, pretending to be too tired to have sex last night, not eating, hell barely being able to look at him for to long.

"You didn't do anything wrong. It's me."

"Is something wrong, you sick?"

"No. Everything is fine, I'm just I don't know. I'm fine though really."

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