Chapter 20

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Jayson's house was complete. Everything he wanted done was done and then some and I was happy that he loved the turnout. Loved it so much that today he was having a pool/housewarming party and pleaded with me to come. I wasn't one for parties but I promised him I would come and I didn't want to break my promise.

The party had started over an hour ago but Alicia insisted on us making a grand entrance. Me and Alicia went bikini shopping yesterday and I had found the cutest swimsuit set. Franklin was driving and as we pulled up to the house I wasn't expecting so many cars, not so many foreign cars. Franklin's last year model Acura sedan stuck out like a sore thumb.

I was used to how big the house was but Franklin and Alicia weren't and wouldn't shut up about it. As we got out of the car I could hear the music blasting and I knew that this was going to be some party. Ringing the doorbell was pointless because after waiting for close to five minutes I decided to try the door and it was unlocked. Franklin and Alicia followed behind me as I navigated through the house.

There were some guys I didn't recognize standing around so most everyone must be outside. Walking out the backdoor was like walking onto some kind of video set. There were guys and girls everywhere dancing and drinking and socializing and I felt completely out of my element.

"Hi Bishop."

I was happy to finally see a familiar face.

"Glad to see you guys made it," he hugged me and then said hi to Alicia and Franklin.

"Thanks for inviting us," Franklin told me.

"Of course. We planned for it to be low key but as you can see things kind of got out of hand."

"I see," Alicia nodded, "Where's Jayson?"

It was what I wanted to know as well.

"I'll go and get him."

Bishop walked away as I looked around. I hated parties, I was anti-social and had no shame in admitting it.

"That's Malcolm Warner," Franklin said out of the blue.

"Who," me and Alicia said at the same exact time.

"He plays for the Dallas, and that's

"Why are you so surprised, Jayson plays football so it's kind of common sense that there would be other football players here."

"I know but I guess I'm geeking out that I'm actually seeing them all in person and in one place," Franklin responded just as Jayson walked up locking eyes with me causing the butterflies to start up in my stomach.

"Hey." "Hi. Oh this is for you."

I held the gift out to him that I got him. It wasn't anything special just a key holder but I figured that he needed one since that's one of the things I didn't include.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"I know but this is a house-warming party and I didn't want to show up empty handed." I watched as he lifted the lid off the box and moved the wrapping paper and lifted up the key holder.

"It's magnetic so you can hold as many keys as you want. I know it's nothing special." "It's great and it will come in handy. Everyone else just brought alcohol but you got me something I can actually use." "We helped," Alicia lied but I just smiled instead of calling her out.

"So you guys can seat and eat. Relax, dance, get in the pool. Thanks again for this, I got to go but I'll be back."

He said the last part to me and I simply nodded my head and watched him walk away. Shirtless Jayson was always a sight to see.

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