Chapter 19

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I was at Jayson's house and I've been here for the past few days. I didn't plan on being here for so long but I just needed an escape from my reality for a bit. What turned into one day turned into three. It's not like I was just shacking up here, while I was here I was working. His living room was now painted and fully decorated and I couldn't wait for him to see it. So was the kitchen and bascially the whole bottom level.

I called my dad today and he did answer my call but the conversation we had was brief. He acted like I did something wrong when in reality he was the one in the wrong but for some reason I still felt guilty. I was so used to doing everything my dad told me so it felt weird to be going against him. On top of that me and Emily's conversation was still weighing heavy on my brain and the next time I saw Greg I was going to do more than slap him if he approached me.

As if those two things weren't enough now Jayson's ex had gotten into the mix. I guess she didn't like the rumors of me and Jayson swirling around and she decided to start up one herself. She made this long sob story on social media about how she and Jayson have been together since high school and how I stole him from her. Yes stole. I've never stolen anything in my life but it didn't matter people were eating the story up. She came out looking like a victim, Jayson came out looking like a cheater and I came out looking like a homewrecker.

I had all kinds of people sending me messages asking if it was true and asking to give my side of things but since Layla had a large social media following all of her fans had turned against me. They were leaving me hateful messages, calling me all types of names. I couldn't deal with all of this so thats why I've been at Jayson's hiding out. The only people who knew I was here were Alicia and Franklin.

My mom called me as soon as this all went down and gave me a pep talk but after logging back on it seemed like things were worse now. Someone had put out my business contact information and some of the girls were emailing me and even calling my business phone leaving nasty messages. I was pissed.

I was laid back on his couch in the living room reading a book, trying to get lost in someone elses drama when the front door alarm beeped signaling someone was entering. I got scared at first that was until I sat up and peeked over the couch and spotted Jayson.

With everything going on in my life I've been so stressed so seeing him was just what I needed it seemed. I jumped up from the couch and he barely made it in the house before I jumped on him no doubt suprising him. I was never one to invade anyones space but with everything going on I could use a hug and who better than to get one from then Jayson?

"I see you missed me."

"I did," I told him still not letting him go.

"So now that I'm here you want to tell me what's been going on with you."

At those words I pulled away from him and looked into his face, "What do you mean?"

"I can tell when something is on your mind, I told you that."

"Everything is fine," I lied walking away from him.

"Your lying and I know it's not about the Layla situation because you've been acting off before that."

He looked around like he barely recognized his own house and he shouldn't have. Gone were the drab white bare walls. Replaced with dark beige walls and black leather furniture.

"Do you like what I did with the place?"

He finished looking around and focused his attention back on me, "Yes but we can talk about that later. Now I want to know whats going on with you so sit."

I obeyed and sat down on the couch not ready for the talk we were about to have.

"Talk," he waited for me to speak and I didn't know where to start first so I decided to start with Emily.

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