Chapter 16-Part 1

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Me and Alicia both posed and smiled as my mom took another picture of us. She had already snapped about ten and even though I wasn't a big fan of pictures I let her have her fun. Alicia's dad wasn't any better, he had a professional grade camera and all.

"Let me get one more," Alicia's dad said after snapping another picture.

"Don't you think that's enough Lawrence," Alicia's mom Veronica asked cutting in and I was thankful because my cheeks hurt from all of this smiling and not to mention the flash from the cameras was making me dizzy.

"It's not everyday your daughter graduates from college," he told her snapping another picture of us off guard.

"I agree," my mom smiled following suite.

"Just a few more," he was about to take another picture but Alicia walked over and blocked the view of his camera with her hand.

"Come on dad. I want to introduce you guys to Franklin's parents. Plus we have to go if were going to make our reservations."

"She's right."

Her family and mine exchanged goodbyes while me and Alicia hugged.

"I'm nervous."

"Everything is going to go fine," I assured her. This was the first time her parents would be meeting with Franklin, she had put it off long enough and today was the big day, not only would they be meeting Franklin but his parents, "There going to love Franklin almost as much as you do."

"I hope your right."

"I know I am."

We hugged goodbye one last time before her and her family walked away. My dad had walked away to go and use the bathroom and my mom and grandma were trying to get me and all of my brothers in a picture. Amari stood to my right while Aaron, Andre and Kameron stood in front.


I smiled and once the flash went off I noticed that Amari put his hand down from behind me rather to quickly. If he was trying to play it off then he did a terrible job.



"You know what you did."

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Your so immature."

"Will the two of you stop fussing and smile for the camera and Amari stop with the funny stuff," my mom scolded just confirming what I figured.

"Mom how you gonna snitch on me like that. I thought I was your favorite?"

"How did you get that impression," I asked him, "If anyone's her favorite it's Kameron obviously."

Amari sucked his teeth, "It's cause he's the baby."


"Shut up," he mugged me.

"Now who's acting like a baby?"

Meanwhile while me and Amari were going back and forth Aaron and Andre had started a playful shoving match.

"Will you two stop," my mom told them, "And you two hush. My goodness."

My grandma just stood there amused by all of this and snapped a few pictures despite the chaos going on.

My mom sighed and looked around,"And where did your father disappear too?"

"He said he had to go to the bathroom," Kameron told her.

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