She Knows Everything// Dylan

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You sat beside your boyfriend in an interview, your fingers wrapped tightly around his.

It was his first interview since his injury and you were beyond excited to be by his side. 

"Dylan, it's great to have you back!" The interviewer said.

"Thank you, I'm happy to be back." Dylan nodded, squeezing your hand tighter.

"Now, I know everyone wants to hear about your accident, but I want to talk about something positive," she said. "You and y/n have been together for three year, I wanna talk about that."

"Y/n's my best friend, I couldn't be able to be me without her," Dylan smiled. "She's the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without her."

"What's one thing about her that annoys you?"

Dylan laughed. "That's an awkward turn." He turned to me and laughed. "I love you to death but there's one thing that annoys me."

"Hm?" you chuckled. "Which is?"

"Y/n watches all of my movies, she reads all the books, she does anything she can to be familiar with my roles," Dylan said. "But y/n doesn't just get familiar, she gets obsessed."

"I do not!"

"Yes you do!" he laughed at you. "You questioned me for two hours after I got the role of Mitch."

"So?" I grinned. "I just wanted to know what happened.."

"I was in my hospital bed when you asked me about the Death Cure script."

"So? You said I could ask you anything!"

"Y/n was added to my contracts before she'll harass me until she gets her answers and when I talk about me shows.." he started to laugh, trailing off. "I'll tell her something and she'll be like, 'yeah, I already know," and sometimes I'll ask her if she saw something in my shows and she'll cut me off and say 'bitch, please.'"

"I know everything!" She laughed at me.

"This hasn't caused a rift in your relationship at all?"

"Of course not," I reached over and took her hand again. "I just know she's my biggest fan."

She smiled again, pressing her lips against my knuckles. "Love you too, Dyl."


yo yo yo

it's already the second day and im two hours late

over my break, ive somehow become really popular and like go to parties and having a bunch of friends 

it's weird but its so funnn and i love my friends so goshdang much

Dylan O'Brien Imagines (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now