Chapter 9: Audition Day

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Another chapter here and ready for your pleasure (I hope)! Enjoy!

"It's been moved up."

That was the one sentence Mr. Booth had to say to get Killian and Emma freaked out.

The auditions had been moved up. The director wanted the cast list officially set before thanksgiving.

Meaning auditions were... well, now.

"Just head over to this address," Booth said that Friday morning, writing it down for the pair, "at 5:00 and be ready. Use the scene you did in class... audition together. You two nailed it, and I'm sure you will again."

They'd taken the address, both thoroughly appalled. When they'd thought they had three months more of practicing, in reality it was closer to three hours.

"Okay, okay, this is happening," Emma panicked, pacing back and forth in her dorm room, audition sides held tightly in her hand.

"Ems, calm down, you're gonna do great!" Mary-Margret assured her, trying to get her to stand still so she could finish doing her makeup.

Mary-Margret was the only person who knew about Emma and Killian's big audition for The Pirate and The Princess, aside from Robin, of course.

"Calm down?!" Emma asked hysterically. "How can I calm down when the next three hours are going to determine my entire future! Not to mention Killian's! Oh god, oh god," Emma stressed. She gripped her hair, breathing heavily as she read and reread the scene she'd be auditioning with.

"Aaaand that's my cue to call the boyfriend, here we go," Mary-Margret sighed. "I'll be right back."

Emma barely heard her. This could be it. This was it. Her chance, her opportunity, to show the world what she was made of.

Her turn to prove all the bullies and haters who'd doubted her abilities wrong. All those purely mean people who called her worthless. Nothing.

This was the moment she'd been waiting for her whole life, and now that it had arrived? Emma was terrified.

All she'd ever wanted was to prove her worth. Now she was being presented with the chance, and while her heart ached for her to snatch it up, her stress-wad of a brain was working its anxiety magic to turn a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity into a nightmare.

Killian's brain wasn't doing him any favors either. He too was having cold feet, worries of the outcomes that could arrive after the audition.

What if he failed and they didn't want him? He'd be humiliated.

Sure, Mr. Booth believed in him, but he was having a hard time believing in himself. Acting was his passion and that would never change. But if he screwed this up now... he might never get a chance to do it the way he wanted to.

"Killian, you're overthinking everything. You're going to audition and it's going to be amazing whether or not you get the part. And so what if you don't? What's the worst that can happen? You audition for another show. Is that so bad?" Robin asked, trying to calm his friend.

"I suppose you're right... still, I can't help but worry. I wonder how Emma is faring..." Killian mumbled.

It wasn't long before he got his answer, Mary-Marger having thrown their dorm room open, grabbed Killian's arm, and dragged him back to Emma.

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