Chapter 5: Confrontation

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As usual, loves, I hope you liked the last chapter, and here's another! Don't be afraid to drop some comments! ;)


"Still hanging around the trash, I see," Milah's voice came from behind them.

Emma's eyes shut tightly. She'd hoped to avoid Milah today...

"She's not trash," Killian growled. Emma touched his hand, calming him down.

"What do you want, Milah?" Emma asked.

"I didn't like that stunt you pulled with my last two journal entries. The last was was due a week ago and you never turned it in, same with the one before it. I've got a warning for my spot in the journal and that just won't do. Now. You are going to write up the next journal entry. And if you don't? Well... let's just say that these past years of torment I've put you through will seem heavenly compared to what I'll bring upon you," Milah hissed.

Killian started to stand, as Emma had sat up halfway through Milah's speech, but once again, Emma stopped him. She stood up instead.

"Here's what I think," Emma started.

"Emma-" Killian started. He watched as she shakily stepped forward, her hand flying across Milah's face.

Killian nearly laughed, covering his mouth in pride as he watched Emma finally defend herself.

Milah rubbed her cheek in shock, turning to respond but Emma shut her up.

"No. You don't get to talk. You don't get to do anything. It's my turn."

Emma took a deep breath, swallowed thickly, and stared right into Milah's vicious eyes, imagining all the words she ever wanted to say.

"I know I'm a nobody here. I know that I only have two friends and that's it. I get that I'm introverted and nobody even notices I'm around. I get that it's easy to ignore me and talk shit about me because people don't even see me when I'm nearby. But that does not give you the right to make me seem less. I am a student at this university, same as you, and whether you like it or not, you have no power over me. We are equals. We are the same age, same gender, even about the same height. I'm not afraid of you anymore. And I'm done letting you bully me. I'm not going to let you ruin these next two years. I can't believe it took me seven years to finally say this to you, but I am a human being just like you are. Only difference is I'm a respectful person with a heart," Emma said, finally speaking out, her emotions bubbling up like lava out of a volcano.

Her hands sat her her side, held so tightly into fists that her knuckles were turning white.

Milah stood there with a scowl on her face.

"Say what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still just a lonely little orphan who doesn't belong," Milah spat.

"And you're a manipulative, mean person who's only way of belonging is being a bitch," Emma retorted with a straight face.

"You're gonna regret ever being born," Milah growled, stalking away with a huff.

The moment Milah was out of sight, Emma's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes went wide. She turned to Killian, her jaw dropped, nearly ready to tear her hair out.

"What did I just do," she whispered in shock, her eyes nearly bursting out of their sockets.

"You stood up for yourself, Swan. And I couldn't be more proud," Killian said with a grin, coming closer to her from his prior position.

"I just committed social suicide! A-and mental suicide. She's gonna come after me, she-she's gonna ruin my life e-even more than before, if that's even possible, oh god, Killian! She's gonna completely- hmm,"

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