Chapter 51: The Final Battle

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Third Person POV

The golden dagger shimmered in Riona's hands as she twirled it between her slim fingers. Fright Knight lunged at her again, but Riona swiftly dodged. She turned and swung her dagger, managing to inflict a minor wound on the Ghost King's side. 

White hot pain flared in the wound on Fright Knight's side and he bit down on his tongue, drawing hot, salty green blood. Those Spirit Daggers sure packed a punch He spat on the floor, facing Riona with fire in his eyes. He charged at her once more with Tucker and Sam backing him up. While the two humans had her focused on deflecting their blasts, the former knight had a clear shot to Riona's middle. It didn't even matter if he struck her core anymore - though that would be optimal choice - he just wanted her gone. Their time was running out.

Riona dodged the blasts, with one or two hitting her suit of armor. Fright Knight drew closer to his target and as she came within striking distance of his sword, Riona vanished. She reappeared behind him and landed a hard kick to his back, sending him sprawling forward. She laughed, throwing her head back, "Now THIS," She exclaimed, "is a good way to die!" She looked around at all of the furious faces sending her death glares. "We should all be honored to die today. May we find solace in the depths of despair." She cried, throwing her arms in the air.

Dani and Jazz stood protectively over Danny as he slowly, but surely, started to wake up. They watched as Fright Knight, Sam and Tucker all took shots at Riona but she continued to avoid the majority of them. "At this rate we'll never beat her." Dani said, as she charged her hands with green energy. She was beginning to think of a plan, but she wasn't too sure if the others would approve. Or if she could even go through with it. Why was she even thinking of such a horrible plan?

Jazz bit her lip. Something about this whole situation seemed wrong. Riona was obviously mentally unstable, and she appeared to have two separate personalities with one being more timid than the other. The personality that was currently in control appeared to believe that they were going to be beaten, but by the way she was fighting you couldn't have guessed that. She didn't want to go down without a fight. Or maybe there was something deeper to all this. She could obviously kill them all with little effort, but she looked to be holding back. Why? Was she trying to stall? If so, what was the reason behind it?

Sam cried out in pain as Riona's dagger sliced through her Fenton Peeler armor. The dagger had cut through the metal and a part of her shirt, but it had barely brushed against her skin. There wasn't even a mark. Still, a burning pain flashed through her entire right side. She grit her teeth and tried to focus back on the battle. Tucker was now being targeted by Riona's glowing blade as Fright Knight chased after her. She leaped back into the fray to protect her friend, firing blasts at the ghost girl. One of the blasts managed to strike Riona square in the back and she was knocked to the ground. Fright Knight wasted no time and raised his blade above his head to bring it down on Riona. 

The psychotic ghost girl managed to roll away from the descending sword at the last second. She threw her dagger at Fright Knight and it lodged itself into his right shoulder. He screamed in pain and fell to his knees, dropping his sword. Riona pulled out two more daggers, throwing them at Sam and Tucker. The first dagger impaled Tucker's suit and the blade stuck into his thigh while the dagger aimed at Sam lodged itself in her left shoulder. Riona twirled back around and conjured another dagger. Before Sam and Tucker even started crying out in pain Riona lunged forward and drove the dagger into Fright Knight's stomach, twisting it around. The Ghost King's screams paired with the wails of agony from the two humans were like music to her ears.

Gasping  for breath Riona stood, staring down at her wounded intruders. She snickered, "Maybe we won't die today after all." She said proudly. Riona raised an eyebrow, "You five have been most troublesome for us. Because of you all our plans could have gone up in smoke!" Rage flamed in her eyes, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG I HAVE WAITED TO BE FREE FROM THEM?!" She screamed, "Sure, being a slave to the Lord and Lady of Death has its perks but it isn't a lifestyle one would choose graciously." She scoffed, crossing her arms. "In fact I'd rather die than spend one more second serving them."

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