Chapter 24: Vacation

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A/N: Hey-o my peoples. I have found some free time to update (yay) I might be updating 'The Ghost Brother' today as well but we'll have to see.

Ember: Can we have our snacks back

Danny: Yeah I'm hungry

Me: No snacks until you all apologize

Ghost Writer: For what? Telling the truth

*they all laugh*

Me: I don't why I bother *gives them their snacks* Hope you guys enjoy!

Danny's POV

Dani floated up off me and Sam and Jazz helped me to my feet. Dani had grown quite a bit in the past year. She now almost reached my shoulder and she cut her hair so that it now just brushed her shoulders (just like Sam). It was still pulled back into a ponytail but she had a few strands tucked behind her ear. Her uniform had changed as well, though not that much.

She wore tall white boots, with the sides that pointed out longer than the rest of the boots, and tight black pants. Her midsection was still exposed, showing off her hourglass waist. My trademark symbol was on the left side of her black and white shirt. She still wore black and white gloves but they now reached past her elbows.

"Good to see you cuz," I said giving her a smile. Dani gave me another hug and then rushed to give everyone else a hug.

"Woah, you've gotten taller," Jazz commented as Dani gave her a hug. Dani nodded and she turned back to face me, her eyes alight with mischief.

I sighed, "What have you done now?" I asked, rolling my eyes. She was always pulling pranks on the castle staff or anyone else that crossed her devious path, and sometimes things didn't end very well.

I chuckled silently remembering the time Fright Knight found me to tell me that Dani had spray painted the entire kitchen. I found it funny that she and Sam had been hanging out around that time.

Dani mocked a hurt look, "Why would you assume I have done something dear cousin?"

I raised an eyebrow at her and she giggled, "I haven't done anything," she glanced at Tucker, "Yet."

Tucker slowly moved closer to me. I had to stop myself from laughing. "Danny! Lady Sam! Sir Tucker! Lady Jasmine!" I heard Fright Knight's voice cry.

He had just entered the entrance hall, Nina on his arm. He wore black boots with silver markings on them and black pants. He wore a simple long sleeved black shirt and his purple cape was attached to him by metal shoulder plates. He wore a silver belt with his sword resting at his side. The Ring of Rage rested on his right ring finger and the Crown of Fire hovered above his long black hair, that had been pulled back into a ponytail.

Nina had her dark black hair curled and it brushed her shoulders. She wore a long sleeved blue dress that reached just above her ankles. Her lips were bright red and her green eyes were smiling. Talia was following close behind with her blonde hair in a single braid down her back and wearing a simple yellow dress. Talia flew over to give me a quick hug. While she hugged the others, Fright Knight walked over to me. "Good to see you my friend," he said, clapping my shoulder.

"Good to see you too buddy," I replied.

"So what do we owe to this visit?" he asked as he placed his free hand on the hand Nina had on his arm.

I shrugged, "A vacation. Figured you could use the company."

He raised an eyebrow at me and Nina smiled, "It's always good to have you here Master Danny."

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