Chapter 3: Back to the Castle

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A/N: Hey peoples I'm back with another new chapter for you

Danny: About time

Me: Where did you come from?

Danny: Clockwork let me in

Clockwork: Hello

Me: This can't end well for me

Fright Knight's POV

I floated around the castle, aimlessly wandering the many halls while staff scurried about around me. A lot had changed in the year I had been King. The castle had shifted to better suit me and now had a purple, green and black colour scheme.

My attire had greatly changed. I no longer wore my full body suit of armor, it was now replaced with loose black pants, and a long sleeved black shirt. I wore a silver belt around my waist with my sword, Soul Shredder, resting at my side. On my feet were metal boots and on my hands were a pair of metal gauntlets. I wore a simple green and purple cape, attached to my attire by metal shoulder plates. The Ring of Rage on my right ring finger and the Crown of Fire hovered above my no longer helmeted head.

To most it was a shock to see me without my helmet (excluding Clockwork). I had long black hair and glowing green eyes. My skin was slightly tinted blue and I had a small scar on my right cheek. My face was narrow and I had a slightly pointed chin along with a strong jawline.

While my changes were immense, I liked to believe I had made a bigger change in the Ghost Zone. I was not a very strict ruler, mostly letting the ghosts do as they pleased (within reason).

Of course some came to me with complaints about the new laws I had put in place (even Walker), and there was the required meetings with the Observants, Clockwork and now Nocturne as he officially had reclaimed his place as an Elder Spirit. But none of that truly bothered me. I knew I was doing good with the Ghost Zone and making it a better place from when Pariah Dark reigned chaos and darkness.

I felt a small buzzing in the back of my mind, "We have a guest," a female voice spoke clearly in my mind. Danny had told me of the castle and how was alive. By wearing the ring and crown the castle was able to communicate with me and I with it.

Though it was difficult to get used to at first, I have grown to enjoy the castle and it's chatter.

"Who?" I thought in reply.

"It's a surprise," the castle responded.

I sighed and let out a small laugh. It amazed me that despite being as old as the first Elder Spirit, the castle still acted childish at times.

"Will you at least say where?" I asked.

"Throne room."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome King Pavor."

I made my way to the throne room where my guest was waiting. As I made my way through the large halls, I bumped into a familiar little ghost maid.

"Pardon me, my lady. I should have been watching where I was going," I said as I bowed to the girl.

Talia laughed, "You are pardoned my King. Might I ask where you are going in such a rush?"

"To the throne room. I have a guest waiting there."

Talia grinned, "May I come as well?"

I nodded and we both made our way to the throne room. I glanced down at the young girl. She had grown quite a bit in the past year. She wore her blonde hair in a single braid that reached the middle of her back, her face had gotten a bit thinner accenting her cheekbones a bit more. She had also grown a bit and now reached my torso.

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