Chapter 22: Lunch Time

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Sam's POV

Tucker and I were waiting at our regular table in the cafeteria for Danny to show up. "Where is he," I muttered.

"Relax Sam, lunch only started 10 minutes ago," Tucker commented while he chewed on his sandwich.

"I know," I replied, "That's what I'm concerned about." Danny seemed to eager to get to class this morning. It was math, his least favourite subject aside from English. And I knew that Scarlet was in that class with him. Man I hated that girl.

Just then I spotted Danny walk into the cafeteria. He spotted us and walked over, a bounce in his step. Danny sat down across from us and had a creepy smile on his face. I was kind of glad Tucker said something about it before I did, "Uh dude? What's with the psycho clown smile?"

Danny blinked and his smile slowly faded, "What do you mean?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Never mind, just debrief us on what the heck happened last night," I said.

Danny ran his hands through his hair, "Well, we fought a ghost. He knocked you two out. The he left after having a talk with me. After that I went to see Clockwork and Fright Knight at the castle and we talked. That's about it."

I frowned at him, "Any details? Like who that ghost was? What he wanted? What you, Clockwork and Fright Knight talked about?"

Danny opened his mouth to speak, when Scarlet plopped into the seat next to him. "Hey guys, mind if I join you?" she asked cheerfully.

"Yes," I mumbled.

"No not at all," Danny said.

Scarlet smiled at him and I noticed her trying to subtly move closer to Danny. "You not hungry Scarlet?" Tucker asked, noticing she didn't have a tray of food, or any other signs of a lunch.

She shook her head, "I, uh, had a big breakfast this morning."

I took out my lunch that I had made from my personal greenhouse as Danny grabbed a brown paper bag out of his backpack. He pulled out a sandwich and an apple. Scarlet stared at the food. "But now that you mention it, I am kind of hungry." She pointed at Danny's sandwich, "Could I have a bite?"

Danny nodded and Scarlet grabbed half of the sandwich, taking a small bite out of it. I sent Danny a glare. He barely ate enough as it is, now he's just giving his lunch away? I was starting to worry about him.

Since Scarlet was with us now we couldn't talk about anything 'Phantom' related, Tucker decided to pick up the conversation, "So, you guys got any plans this weekend?"

Danny was the first to answer, "Not really, just hoping to catch up on sleep."

I was silent as was Scarlet. "Well, I'm going to be doing a marathon of Doom. The game recently got updated and there's supposed to be three new dungeon levels along with 5 new character designs."

That perked my interest. I was known as one of the best players in Doom. Maybe I'd be spending some time on the computer this weekend.

Scarlet finally decided to speak, "I was thinking that I could come over to your house and we could work on our project Danny." She scooted a little closer to Danny. I felt the tips of my ears turn red and quickly moved my hair over them, letting it barely brush my shoulders.

An idea hit me, "Actually Danny, you invited Tucker and me to your family cabin for the weekend," I said.

"I did?" Danny questioned.

"He did?" Tucker asked at the same time.

"Yes he did," I told them through gritted teeth, "Remember? The one owned by your Uncle Pavor?"

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