Chapter 48: Siege

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Third Person POV

Dan Phantom hummed a little tune to himself as he sat in his prison, fiddling with the charm around his neck. He was once again collared like a dog but he didn't mind it as much this time. He knew how this was all going to end and it brought a smile to his face as he hummed his tune. The sound echoed around the room giving a eerie sound to the once joyful tune. It could send a chill up one's spine the way he hummed their doom without saying a word. He closed his eyes and rested his back against the bars of his cage. The door to his room opened and his eyes remained closed as he continued to hum his tune.

"It is time." A familiar voice told him. 

Dan stopped humming and showed his fangs in a grin as he stretched in the cramped cage. "About time old man, I was starting to think you forgot about me." Dan turned in the direction where the voice was coming but his eyes remained closed.

"You know what you have to do, so I suggest you do it before you run out of time." The voice said.

Dan groaned, "Time this, time that. You really need to expand your vocabulary." The evil ghost could sense the annoyance radiating off the other being in the room and a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. The door to his cage opened and Dan crawled out, ignoring the feeling of embarrassment that came with him being seen crawling on his hands and knees. He stood in front of the cage and fully stretched out his back, his eyes still closed. "You know, I think I actually prefer that old thermos compared to that cage. At least there were no bars digging into my back." He commented.

As Dan continued to stretch and sickening cracking noises were made, the familiar being in the room was growing even more annoyed. "Do you wish to continue testing my patience?" They asked.

Dan inhaled through his nose and let the breath out through his mouth as he finished stretching, "I would but, I seem to have a job to do." Dan's eyes finally opened allowing him to see the intimidating being before him. 

The being turned around, their purple cloak flowing behind them. "Let us get this over with then." He said.

Dan raised an eyebrow and did a mock bow, "As you wish great Time Master." Clockwork made no retort as he floated out of the room, Dan following close behind.


Nocturne, Dani, Sam, Tucker and Jazz were all gathered in the throne room waiting for Pavor and Clockwork to return. The Ghost King was the first to make his appearance. "I apologize for the delay, my guards tried to convince me to get to safety with the others." Fright Knight explained, "I have made sure the castle is empty and all the staff are safe."

The group nodded and were about to start going over their plan of attack when Clockwork entered the room, followed closely by Dan Phantom. At once, everyone in the throne room readied their weapons and abilities in preparation from an attack by the evil ghost. "Please lower your weapons, he will not harm any of you." Clockwork told them. Dan's grin seemed to tell them otherwise but, they did as the Time Master asked and lowered their weapons though their icy glares towards Dan did not stop.

Clockwork sighed, he knew he would have to tell them at some point. Could he? How would they react? Would it even matter in the end? No it wouldn't, he decided, telling them wouldn't change what was coming. It was best not to add any more stress on them than there already was. 

"So what's the plan?" Dani asked. An explosion sounded from outside the castle walls. Riona and her army were fast approaching.

Clockwork spoke up, "Our main goal is destroying Riona." Eyes widened with Clockwork's statement. They didn't expect such a brutal answer from Clockwork. "She is a threat to the timeline," he explained, "Riona was meant to be destroyed that day,  but she lived. Her entire existence is a mistake." As Clockwork said this, he felt his throat tighten. Riona wasn't the only mistake in this castle. He quickly composed himself and addressed the group once more, "Nocturne and I, with the help of Dan, will attack Riona's army while the rest of you find her base of operations."

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