Chapter 16: Back to the Burger

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A/N: Hey peoples it's been a while

Ember: No kidding

Danny: Hey what happened to the 24 hour snack bar

Ghost Writer: Phantom removed it

Johnny and Tucker: WHAT!!!!???

Sam: *is silent*

Kitty: Aw man

Me: It's for your own good. And mine.

Everyone: *scoffs*

Me: *sigh* While I deal with these guys, enjoy the next chapter :)

Sam's POV

"Delivery," Danny said cheerfully, as he placed the trays of food on the booth table.

I moved over in the seat so Danny could sit down, much to Scarlet's obvious displeasure. What was up with her? It was like she was obsessed with Danny. She only met him today for crying out loud!

I grabbed my veggie burger of the tray and took a bite out of it. Tucker had already begun to devour his food. "You gonna eat anything Scarlet?" Tucker asked through a mouthful of food. I was so glad Danny had learned some manners and no longer ate like a wild animal.

Scarlet looked at the tray of food and shook her head, "No thanks, I'm not really that hungry," she said.

Danny reached for a container of fries and began eating them. Scarlet looked from the fries to Danny, "On second thought, could I try one of those?" she asked pointing to Danny's fries.

Danny's mouth was full so he didn't reply but he held out the container to Scarlet. She took one fry and popped it in her mouth. After a moment of chewing, her face twisted into a look of disgust. I had to hold back a laugh.

Tucker chuckled, "Yeah, the food here takes a little getting used to."

Scarlet swallowed and put on a smile, "It's not that bad," she said, reaching for another one of Danny's fries.

I kept silently eating my burger, never taking my eyes off the new girl. She didn't look like a bad person. She was almost on Jazz's level of cheer. But I was fooled once before by good intentions. I frowned as I remembered Gregor (or Elliot I guess since that was his real name). I wasn't going to let that happen to Danny.

"So it must really suck," Danny said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I replied as I chewed my burger.

"Being partners with Dash," he said.

I rolled my eyes, being partners with that football for brains was certainly going to be interesting. Still can't believe I kissed him once. In my defense it was to break a love spell and that taste of failure still haunts my nightmares.

"Sam? Hey Sam? You ok?" Danny said, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked away my thoughts and noticed Scarlet scowling at me, though she quickly looked away.

"Uh, yeah..... yeah I'm fine," I said giving Danny one of my rare smiles. I looked back over at Scarlet who was almost falling out of the booth to avoid the spray of food coming from Tucker's attack on his burger.

Someone's phone began to ring. "That's me," Scarlet said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a black phone. She frowned, something I didn't think was possible, as she looked at the screen. Scarlet answered the phone, placing it against her ear, "This will only take a second," she said as she flashed a smile at Danny and got out of the booth.

She walked over to the far side of the restaurant and began speaking with the person on the phone, making an effort not to move her mouth too much. That raised my suspicions.

"So I think that after this assignment, Paulina will totally be my girlfriend," Tucker said, drawing my attention away from Scarlet.

Danny and I shared a look. Danny had gotten over Paulina a long time ago but Tucker was ever the hopeless romantic. Before either of us could comment, Scarlet materialized beside us.

"Sorry, that was my uncle. He said I have to get home now," she told the three of us. She looked over at Danny, "Maybe we could do this again tomorrow?"

She stared intently at Danny and for a second, I could have sworn I saw something different in her eyes.

"Uh....... y-yeah sure," Danny stuttered.

Scarlet smiled, "Awesome! See you guys tomorrow!" And with that, she left the restaurant.

I turned to Danny, "What was that all about?" I demanded.

Danny shook his head, causing his white highlights to show, "What do you mean?"

I pointed to the door, "You getting all tongue tied when telling Scarlet that she can hang out with us tomorrow. And why did you say that she could?!"

Danny shrugged, "What's the big deal. She seems ok."

I crossed my arms and sank back into the seat, "I don't trust her Danny. There's something not right about Scarlet Cane."

Danny raised an eyebrow, "Did you ever think that you're just being paranoid Sam?"

I frowned at him, "I am not paranoid." Danny was being awfully passive about Scarlet.

Danny stood up, "Sure you aren't. Anyways, I should get going. Gotta get some homework done before patrol tonight. You guys gonna come?"

"When do we not dude?" Tucker said, eating the last bits of his food.

Danny smiled, "Ok, how does the park sound for a meet spot?"

Tucker and I nodded in agreement. "Awesome, see you guys tonight."Danny walked out of the restaurant.

"So you have to agree right? With Paulina and I being partners it'll only be a matter of time before she falls for my irresistible charm," Tucker commented.

I looked at the mess that covered his area of the table, "Oh yeah. Irresistible," I said.

"Maybe I'll even get Scarlet to fall for me," Tucker added. He continued to talk but I tuned it out, my thoughts back on the mysterious new girl. I needed to know more about her. That girl is up to something.

And I intend to find out what that something is.

A/N: So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Now I have a few announcements

Everyone: *groans*

Me: Oh hush. SOOOO I have begun drafting a Teen Titans x Danny Phantom crossover and it should be up soon. Also, I have a one shot that a few people have asked if I would turn it into a real story. It can be found on my profile in my Danny Phantom One-Shots! book and also in the story 'I'm Adopted?' also on my profile. It would mean a lot to me if you guys would check it out and let me know your thoughts!

Ember: So where are the snacks?

Me: NO MORE SNACKS! See you all in the next one!

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