Chapter 18: Patrol

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A/N: Hello peoples. I know what you're thinking 'wow another update so soon?' Yes yes no need to thank me.

Angry mob: We have a few thank you's that we think you deserve

*raise pitchforks*

Me: Eep! U-uh well I guess without further ado, here's the next chapter.

*looks at very angry mob*

Me: Can I have my muses back please?

Danny's POV

I capped the lid on the thermos after successfully capturing Technus. "So how many does that make?" I questioned, as I floated to the ground.

Tucker tapped away on his PDA, "Not including Box Ghost's 3 escape attempts that makes-" Tucker stopped as he continued to type on his beloved device, "8 ghosts for the night."

I smiled, "Sounds like a new record to me."

Sam groaned, "You boys and your competitions."

I laughed, reattaching the Fenton Thermos to my belt. We have learned a lot these past 3 years of ghost fighting. I had my new form obviously but Sam and Tucker had made some changes too.

While on patrol Sam had her slightly longer black hair pulled back into a ponytail. She wore tall black  boots with green leggings and a black skirt, a black shirt that exposed her midsection, and purple jacket that went past her waist. A pair of goggles rested on the top of her head and she always wore a Fenton Wrist Ray. Sam also carried a spare Fenton Thermos on her belt, along with a smaller version of a Fenton Bazooka.

Tucker always wore his signature red beret along with a white long sleeved shirt and blue jacket. He wore blue jeans and white sneakers. Tucker carried around his trusty backpack that held all his techno gear. He had started to grow a little facial hair and his hair was slightly longer but he kept it hidden in his beret.

Together we were Team Phantom, and no ghost stood a chance against us.

"Danny, are you monologuing in your head again?" Sam asked.

I instantly blushed, "What? No."

Tucker laughed, "He was doing it again."

I frowned at Tucker, "I was not."

"Dude you so were."





"Ladies ladies you're both pretty, now can I go home?" Sam interrupted.

Tucker and I frowned at Sam. "One more patrol around the city and I think we can call it quits for the night," I said, smoothing down my vest. Tucker and Sam nodded and the 3 of us parted to do one more patrol.

"So I'm guessing you like your new look?" Sam said over the Fenton Phones.

I let a small smile grace my face as I flew over the city, "Yeah, I think this one is the keeper."

"What? You're choosing hers over mine? I call favoritism!" Tucker said, mocking offense.

I raised an eyebrow, "You wanted me to wear a neon suit with my symbol basically covering every inch of it."

"It's called advertising. You know.... getting your mark out there," Tucker replied.

I shook my head, "No way, Sam's design stays."

A Phantom Prophecy *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now