Chapter 29: A Talk

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A/N: Hello peoples I am back

Ember, Danny and Ghost Writer: And so are we!

Me: Hey where did you guys go in the last chapter?

Danny: The title was creepy

Me: How?!

Ember: 'The House'? Close to Halloween? Plus it was your original title that scared us.

Me: Hey no spoilers! Anyways, it's been a while since I've updated so I hope you enjoy this special Halloween treat!

Danny's POV

I was in darkness once more. I sighed, this was getting old. "Can we just get this over with?" I shouted into the darkness.

A laugh echoed around me, "What's the matter Danny? Too busy for an old friend?"

I snickered, "I would hardly call you a friend."

A mock gasp could be heard. "Oh how you wound me," a sarcastic voice spoke.

I started walking through the darkness, my hand alight with green energy. "So, what have you come to torture me about this time? The prophecy? My future? More of your awful breath in my face? Seriously dude, breath mints are only like 5 cents." I smiled as no retort came.

I started to chuckle, only for a hand to wrap around my throat. I struggled for air as I felt my feet being lifted off the ground. I was now staring into the hard red eyes of my evil future self.

"Do you ever stop talking?" he growled, baring his fangs.

I managed a laugh, "Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" I choked out.  Dan tightened his grip on my throat and I clawed at his hand, desperate to remove his fingers from crushing my windpipe.

He laughed, "I have no feelings. Feelings are a weak human emotion, and I am no human." Dan spat out the word human as if it was painful to say. My vision was starting to go fuzzy due to lack of oxygen.

He released my throat and I fell to the ground, gasping for breath. "We can't have you pass out now can we?" Dan asked. Before I could even muster a reply, Dan swung his foot at my face.

I was knocked to the side and Dan's foot quickly took up residence on my chest. He put pressure on my chest and I bit my lip to hold back a whimper of pain.

Dan placed his elbow on his knee and glared down on me, "Finally, some peace and quiet," he commented.

I grabbed Dan's foot and threw him over me. He landed on his front and I was able to sit up. I clutched my chest as I stood up, facing away from my evil double. I was breathing heavily and was slowly walking away from Dan, further into the welcoming darkness.

"DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!" Dan screamed and I was pulled back by an unseen force. I landed in the chair from my last dream. But this time, no restraints held me in the chair.

I stood up, but Dan grabbed my shoulder and forced me to sit down again. "I am trying to be nice Danny. Don't ruin it," he warned.

I didn't feel like being restrained again so I remained seated. Another chair appeared in front of me and Dan sat down on it. He slouched and crossed his legs, staring at me.

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "You have quite the number of secrets in your head Danny," Dan suddenly said, "Some I don't even have. My, you have been quite the busy little ghost boy haven't you?"

I frowned, "What are you talking about?" My head began to feel like someone was pounding a hammer on it.

Dan gasped, "A new Queen?! This is certainly new. My partner will be glad to hear about this."

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