Chapter 43: A Deal

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Third Person POV

Far below the main levels of the castle hidden away in a secret dungeon, it's existence only known to a select few, Fright Knight stood in front of the small glowing green cage. The contents of the cage being none other than the infamous Dan Phantom. The Ghost King's eyes narrowed in anger at Dan's still unconscious form. This being was one of the reasons that his beloved Nina was now forever dead. He could only hope that her soul had made it's way to the legendary paradise, so that she could forever be happy and without pain. Fright Knight's eyes fell upon the blue, gear shaped stone around the ghost's neck. Clockwork had said he had made it that Dan would continue to exist in this timeline, so long as he was of use to them. The stone glowed softly, slightly illuminating Dan's face. He was still unconscious and the stone was so close. Fright Knight could easily rip it off him, and the nightmare would be over.

No! They needed him! He was the only one who could defeat Riona! But he wanted a feeling of revenge. He needed to make it so Nina did not die in vain. Even at the cost of another life. Fright Knight began reaching towards the cage, when the door to the room slammed open. Fright Knight jumped into the air and away from the cage, drawing his sword on whoever had just entered the room. His eyes immediately became the size of saucers and he quickly sheathed his sword. He bowed to the newcomer, "Apologies Time Master, you startled me."

Clockwork chuckled, "The former Fright Knight scared by an old spirit like myself? I thought I'd never see the day." The Master of Time's eyes fell upon the cage and he frowned. Sighing, he floated over to the cage and tapped his staff on the bars. "You're not fooling anyone, now get up." He scolded.

Fright Knight looked at Clockwork confused, only for him to see Dan's lips curl into a smile. He let out a small laugh and sat up, stretching as the sound of his bones cracking echoed in the room. "Can never get anything past you Clockwork." He joked, his red eyes teasing. Fright Knight felt himself flush with anger. Dan had been awake that whole time?! The King's eyes widened as he thought back to what he had been about to do earlier. Had he actually reached into the cage for the medallion, who knows what could have happened! Dan tilted his head to the side and a crack could be heard. The flaming haired ghost sighed, "Ah, that crick has been bothering me for so long. That thermos was really cramped you know." He crossed his legs and rested his elbows on his knees, placing his chin in his hands. "So what is so important that you saved me, me, and then brought me to probably one of the last places you would ever take me?"

There was some truth in Dan's words. Taking him to the castle was one of the last places they would want to bring him, and the castle itself had voiced it's concern over bringing Dan there. That and it still was mad at him for wreaking havoc all over last time he was here. Clockwork remained emotionless. "We brought you here to make a deal."

Dan genuinely looked surprised by that answer. He looked directly into Clockwork's eyes, searching for any sign of a lie. But he knew that he would not find one. "What kind of deal?" He whispered.

"The kind that can't be refused." Clockwork answered simply. The Master of Time shifted into a form resembling that of an old man. He now looked weak and frail, but very wise, with his eyes locked onto the evil spirit. Fright Knight floated closer to Clockwork, his hand hovering over his sword. He knew that even if Dan were able to escape, Clockwork would be perfectly capable of protecting himself, yet he still felt better being by his side.

Dan chuckled in his cell, "Is that so? Well, I better warn you I am a ghost of picky taste. I don't do much unless it benefits me in some way." He warned, crossing his arms. A smug grin now adorned his face. 

Clockwork nodded. "Very well, that can be arranged." He shifted into his young adult form and lunged at the cage, reaching into it and grabbing the blue medallion around Dan's neck. The blue glow immediately turned black and Dan cried out in pain. Fright Knight moved toward Clockwork but the elder spirit whipped his head around to face the King, giving him a warning glare. Fright Knight immediately backed off and trusted the Time Master to do what he wished. Clockwork turned back to Dan, who was writhing in pain. "Here's the deal, you help us defeat Riona, save your former past self, and prevent the prophecy from coming true. In return, I don't end your existence in the most painful way possible."

Fright Knight was shocked by the elder spirit's threats. Clockwork never went as far as threatening anyone, it wasn't his style. The Ghost King felt there was something wrong with the Time Master, something that he wasn't telling anyone. Dan also looked shocked by Clockwork's threats, but his shock quickly turned into another smug grin. "The time is coming, isn't it old friend?" He asked, his monotone voice ever so smooth. Clockwork narrowed his eyes at Dan, clutching the medallion even tighter. Dan hissed in pain. "Always so sensitive." He managed to choke out.

Clockwork finally released the medallion and Dan sighed in relief. He rubbed his throat, gritting his teeth. The Master of Time floated past Fright Knight. "Come Pavor, we will give him time to think over my offer." Clockwork said. Fright Knight looked back at Dan, who was currently glaring at Clockwork's retreating form. He followed Clockwork out of the room and both ghosts started floating down the hall. A moment of silence passed between them.

Finally Fright Knight gained the courage to speak, "Clockwork, what was he talking about? What did he mean by 'your time is coming'?" Clockwork stopped in his tracks, his grip on his staff tightening. Fright Knight paused and turned to face Clockwork. The older ghost was slightly shaking. Pavor rushed to Clockwork's side, pacing a hand on his shoulder. "Clockwork! What's wrong?!" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

Clockwork loosened his grip on his staff and looked up at Fright Knight. Sighing, he sank lower to the ground with Fright Knight following after him. The elder spirit shifted into his toddler form, looking unnaturally weak for the first time ever. "Pavor," he whispered, "there is a lot I need to tell you." Fright Knight nodded, settling down and prepared to listen to whatever the older ghost had to say.

A/N: What? No, it most definitely has not been almost a month since I last updated this... oops. Sorry peoples. I've had a lot going on, plus a small case of writer's block. But I'm back now, and the updates should be steady. After all, we are nearing the end of this story (maybe? Honestly when it comes to me I wouldn't be surprised if it ended in the next chapter or 50 chapters from now. I'M THAT OUT OF CONTROL!). Thanks for reading and I'll see you all in the next one! Also I just wanted to say a quick thank you for over 300 followers! I love and appreciate every single one of you! Thank you all! (Oh and sorry about the EXTREMELY short chapter, like I said I'm working through a writer's block)

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