Chapter 11: Finding the Meaning

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A/N: *inside Danny's war trench again* Hey peoples, I think I'm with Danny on keeping this war bunker.

Danny: Told you it was a smart idea

Me: Yeah yeah, anyways hope you all enjoy this chapter. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS AT THE END OF THE CHAP!!!

Danny's POV

Fright Knight, Talia, Clockwork and I all sat in silence in my room. Talia was resting her head against my shoulder as we sat on my bed while Fright Knight and Clockwork had pulled up chairs beside the bed and sat down in them.

I sighed, "So, what does this prophecy even mean?" I pointed at the open page in the book.

Clockwork glanced at the page, "That is what we have to find out." The Master of Time pointed to the symbol on the opposite page, "This symbol has a crown, diamond, and thorns. This more than likely represents the three mentioned in the prophecy."

I looked at the symbol and then back at the text. "Well, the crown is the first thing mentioned," I pointed out.

"Correct. But what I am more interested in is the Diamond," Clockwork said. I looked at the symbol and then back at the prophecy.

'Be wary the Diamond, between Life and Death,
For they shall be the cause, of your last breath.'

I gulped, "You don't think..."

"It's quite possible. A diamond is known as the 'King of gems', and you are the true King of the Ghost Zone. A diamond represents many other things, all of which tie to you in some way. And you are stuck between Life and Death," Fright Knight explained.

I shook my head, "What about the crown?"

"The crown is a symbol of power. Further supported by the fact the passage involving the crown mentions a 'Charm of Life'," Clockwork said.

I reached under my shirt and pulled out the pendant, gripping it tightly in my hand. This stupid pendant proved to be more of a burden every day.

"What about the Thorn?" I asked, letting the pendant drop against my chest.

"That one I am not sure of. The passage doesn't go into much detail aside from the 'lost heir'. We can only speculate it's meaning," Clockwork said.

I crossed my legs and Talia fell back against my many pillows, "What about all the other stuff?" she said, "The 'Day of First Death' and the 'Dark castle'."

I turned to face Talia then back to Fright Knight and Clockwork. My mentor sighed, "I do not know of this 'Dark castle' but I do know of the Day of First Death."

Clockwork took the book in his hands and flipped to the very last page. On the page was some small handwriting and a picture of a glowing female ghost. In the picture she wore a golden dress, had long flowing white hair, and bright gold eyes. Her arms were pointed out to the sides her head was tilted upwards. Pointing to the ghost Clockwork began to explain, "That is Chiara. She was the first spirit to ever exist in the Ghost Zone. Her life had been quiet and happy so her afterlife was similar. She became the beacon to which all beings followed into the Afterlife. The day she died came to be known as the Day of First Death. All those who reside in the Ghost Zone find a sense of peace on that day."

I fiddled with the pendant around my neck, "So what does it have to do with the prophecy?"

"The Day of First Death is also the day every single soul in the Ghost Zone becomes extremely powerful. Chiara's essence flows through this entire dimension, giving everyone more energy and power than they ever had before." Clockwork pointed to the small text on the page, "Though it is called the Day of First Death, the true event only occurs every millennia or so. And it just so happens, this year will be the true event."

Fright Knight, Talia and I all gasped. "How soon?" Fright Knight questioned.

Clockwork squinted his eyes at the print, "Less than a month from now."

My eyes widened, my chest felt tight. It's happening again. This is just like when I first learned I was the Ghost Prince, only this time I have a greater enemy against me.


I started breathing rapidly and I felt Talia's small hand grab mine in comfort. "Danny, you must calm down. For all we know this prophecy could be a hoax," Fright Knight said.

"Pavor is right Danny. This could all end up being nothing," Clockwork added.

I appreciated their attempts to comfort me, but I knew they were wrong. There was no possible way this was all a joke. I just didn't have that type of luck. I squeezed Talia's hand, "We all know that isn't true."

"No Danny, you're a good person! You wouldn't do anything bad ever again. Not after last time," Talia said as she rested her head against my arm.

"Danny, I promise you everything will be fine. Nothing will happen to you," Clockwork said. I had never seen him look so serious.

Fright Knight placed a hand on my shoulder, "If you want, you can spend the night here. Clockwork and I will inform your friends and sister of this."

I thought it over and soon nodded. Spending a night in the protection of the castle might help me feel better.

"Very well, would you like some time to yourself now?" Fright Knight asked. I nodded once more. Fright Knight stood up and Talia got off the bed, but not before giving my hand one last squeeze. They left the room, but Clockwork continued to sit in his chair.

We just stared at each other in silence, neither of us making a move to start a conversation. Clockwork rose from his chair and wrapped me in a hug. I was shocked at the hug but soon returned it. We parted and Clockwork hurried out of the room.

I laid back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Why was my life always so screwed up?

Clockwork's POV

I promised him nothing would happen. Why would I do that? I knew something was going to happen, whether I wanted it to or not. If only I knew what. I almost lost Danny when Vizier returned, I wasn't going to lose him again. I was going to make sure of that.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed now here are the major announcements

1. I am going to start writing a Danny Phantom x Teen Titans fic but I have two ideas for it. Either just a normal crossover, where it's just Danny joining the team and so on OR I am thinking about writing it as Danny and Robin are brothers (yes I know there are a lot of those out there)

2. I will be starting a Gravity Falls series soon but I wanted to ask you guys something first. What would you like Gravity Falls to be crossed over with?

3. I just realized that I never told you guys what Serenity looks like aside from her scar. I have a description for her but I wanted to know what you guys think she looks like.

Well, that's all for now. Now if you need me I'll be in Danny's war bunker watching TV. See you all in the next one!

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