Chapter 2: Present Day

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Danny's POV

I screwed the lid on my Fenton Thermos shut as I had just caught the Box Ghost after his minuscule reign of terror.

I shook the thermos slightly, "You're never gonna learn, eh Boxy?" I heard a tiny 'Beware' come from the thermos and laughed.

"Are you going to float up there giggling all day or are we going to go see that movie?" Sam yelled at me from below. Tucker was standing beside her looking impatient. I gave them a small smile as I floated down to the ground.

"Sorry guys, I'm just in a really good mood today," I told them.

"Well that's a change. You've been acting like Sam all week. Glad I don't have two goth friends," Tucker commented which caused him to receive a death glare from Sam. "Not that having two goth friends is a bad thing," my technogeek friend quickly added.

I transformed back into my human self and stuck the now occupied Fenton Thermos in my backpack, "Let's get going, the movie starts in 15 minutes."

My friends and I began to continue walking towards the movie theater. A lot had changed in the past year. Sam had let her hair grow and now it reached just past her shoulders. She also had added purple highlights. Tucker hadn't changed much aside from him finally getting a new beret but he now had a whole lot more tech. Me? I decided to be funny and get streaks of white in my hair. Only little ones that could be seen when my hair was messy or ruffled.

"So? Any particular reason you're a ball of sunshine all of a sudden?" Sam asked interrupting my thoughts.

I shrugged, "Not really, I just feel happy today."

Sam raised an eyebrow at me, "Danny, are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah why?"

"You've been acting like Spectra's been hanging off your shoulder all week, and now you're suddenly Mr.Smiley?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "I have been kinda gloomy but I'm fine. Just been thinking about the past."

Sam and Tucker put on looks of sympathy, "He's gone Danny, Clockwork said that he made sure Vizier is never coming back," Sam assured me.

I smiled at my friends trying to comfort me. But Vizier wasn't the reason I was upset. Clockwork had told me what happened to Vizier. He was erased from all existence. No, the reason I was bummed out was a reason they didn't even remember.

The Pendant of Life bounced against my chest underneath my shirt. It was so important that Clockwork had wiped the memories of everyone who had seen it the day Fright Knight gave it to me except for Fright Knight and myself. Clockwork had specifically instructed me not to tell anyone, not my friends, not Jazz, not even any of my powerful ghost friends like Frostbite and Pandora.

"Hello? Earth to Danny? You still with us dude?" Tucker asked waving a hand in front of my face.

I shook away the memories and smiled, "Yeah I'm here. Just got lost in thought I guess."

We arrived at the theater and walked in. An icy blue mist escaped from my lips.

"Aw man, we were so close," Tucker whined.

I looked around searching for a ghost, invisible or not. Clockwork had taught me how to see ghosts even when they were invisible. But I didn't spot any ghost, invisible or not.

"Probably just a false alarm," I told my friends, "Now let's get to that movie."

And with that we walked toward the ticket booth, all the while I kept my eyes peeled for an sort of ghost might ruin my day. Still nothing. Shrugging it off as paranoia, I bought my ticket and headed into the theater with Sam and Tuck.

A Phantom Prophecy *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now