Chapter 30: Act 1 Scene 5

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A/N: Hey-o peoples! *dodges pitchfork* What the-


Me: AIEEEEE! *starts running away* I'M SORRY! *pauses in escaping* Enjoy the chappie! *continues running*

Also quick disclaimer: I do not own Romeo and Juliet

Danny's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. My dreams had been Dan free and my talk with Nina had really calmed my nerves. I quickly hopped out of bed and got dressed in my normal school clothes before transforming into my Phantom self.

Jazz, Sam, and Tucker were already waiting in the guest parlor, along with Talia and Dani. All heads turned in my direction when I entered. "Looks who's finally up. Good thing too, we were about to send Dani to wake you up," Sam teased.

My cousin shot me an evil smirk and I shuddered, remembering what happened last time I slept in and she woke me up. I was finding glitter everywhere for weeks! Shaking my head I asked, "Where's Pavor and Nina?"

"Behind you," Fright Knight's voice said. I turned to see the Ghost King and his bride to be enter the parlor. Nina had her arm intertwined with Fright Knight's and she smiled at me.

"It would be rude of us to not say goodbye before you left," she stated.

I smiled and my friends stood up, preparing to leave. After some quick hugs and handshakes goodbye, the four of us headed to the entrance of the castle. The large doors opened and we stepped out into the open green space of the Ghost Zone. I grabbed Sam and Jazz's hand with Sam grabbing Tucker's hand. I flew us a short distance away from the castle before stopping to create a portal.

We headed into the portal and arrived in my parents lab. Transforming back into my human self, Jazz noticed the time. "Shoot! We're going to be late!" She turned to us, "You guys want a ride?" We all nodded and headed upstairs to pile into Jazz's car

Hey it's the Normal Line Break again! Just wanted to say hi. That's all. Have fun reading!

Danny's POV

"Danny? Hello, are you there?" Scarlet said, snapping her fingers in my face.

I instantly snapped out of my thoughts, "Hn? Oh sorry, just got lost in thought I guess."

Scarlet chuckled, "As long as it's thoughts about the project, I'm okay with it." She flashed me one of her wide smiles. From the corner of my eye I saw Sam staring daggers at Scarlet. I thought she said she would give her a chance. But with Sam, you never really know. I thought I did but, I guess not.

I focused on the passage we were supposed to do our assignment on, "So, which part are we doing again?" I asked, blushing.

Scarlet laughed, "We are doing Act 1 Scene 5 on page 5."

I nodded my head, "Right, right. Okay." I paused, "And what are we supposed to do."

Scarlet let out an amused sigh, "We're supposed to analyze them. Figure out their meaning and explain it."

I nodded again, setting down to work. Scarlet and I were finally making some progress when the bell rang. Everyone began to pack up and Lancer's voice shouted above the noise, "Remember, these projects are due Wednesday!"

I walked out of the class with Scarlet at my side. "We made some really good progress today," she commented.

I nodded, "But we still have a lot more to do."

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