Chapter 28: The House

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A/N: So.... my muses all kinda just..... left me for some reason. I'm not sure why.

Danny: *pokes head in* *points up* Have you seen the chapter title? You're on your own for this Phantom *disappears*

Me: *sighs* It can't be that scary sounding. Eh, whatever. Hope you enjoy!

Third Person POV

A shadowed figure walked up to a small house in a darker part of Amity Park. The house was not very nice looking and it appeared to have been abandoned for years. The bricks were an ugly brown that didn't match the faded yellow roof at all. The windows were either cracked, smashed, or boarded up and the front steps were merely splinters of wood.

It was perfect.

The figure grinned and walked up to the house, grabbing hold of the broken railing and pulling themselves up onto the withered porch. They walked up to the metal mailbox attached to the front of the house and opened the lid. Peering inside, they grinned when they spotted a small rusty key.

"How predictable," the figure muttered to themselves as they grabbed the key and inserted it into the lock on the door. They turned the key and a click could be heard. The figure pushed the door open and stepped inside the dusty house.

The inside was in better condition than the outside, but only slightly. The brown floorboards had spots of mold and mildew on them. To the right was a large living room. All the furniture had been covered in moth eaten white sheets. The flower wallpaper was faded and peeling off the walls. A rotten smell filled the stale air and moths flew around the stranger's head.

"How could anyone live in this dump?" the shadowed figure questioned aloud. Shaking their head, the figure walked over to a fragile looking flight of stairs. Taking their time, they climbed the stairs, each step creaking more than the last.

The figure reached the top of the stairs and entered the room closest to the stairs. At one point it must have been a young girls bedroom. At the back of the room was a small window that allowed a little light to shine in. A mattress rested in the corner with a brown nightstand beside it. Peeling, faded posters of long forgotten boy bands covered the walls and torn magazines littered the floor. On the side of the room, opposite the bed, was a brown dresser and a floor length mirror.

The dark figure walked up to the mirror and stood in front of it. They stared at their reflection in the cracked glass.

The figured sneered at their reflection, "You are useless," they growled, "He barely notices you! Why doesn't he notice you?!"

They began to pace back and forth in front of the mirror, "It's the other girl isn't it. She's the one who gets his attention."

The figure paused in their pacing, "How can you get him away from her?" The figure placed a shadowed hand on their chin.

The strange figure snapped their fingers, "That's how you'll do it!"

The figure turned to their reflection once more and smiled.

"Just one kiss will do. Then he'll be mine."

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