Chapter 83

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            *Alex's P.O.V.*

Things really have been busy. The Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, meaning a lot of partying. And touring. It's so exciting! I'm so glad Jonny gets the thrill of this.

"Alex, you packed yet?" Jonny asks me.

We're about to leave for the aiport, and go to Winnipeg! Oh it's amazing. Jonny has to haul the Cup with him.

"Yep! Just, need one more thing...." I try to shove my skates into my bag.

"Alex, you're going to break your skates and the bag." Jonathan jokes.

"I.... can't.... fit..... this." I say, struggling to fit them in.

"Here." Jonathan chuckles. He places his Hockey bag, and offers to carry my skates in there.

"Thanks." I smile up.

"Have fun on your 'Meeting Jon's Parents' trip." Patrick grins.

I glare at him. "Have fun without no girlfriend." I shoot back.

I see a temporary look of hurt in his eyes, but as fast as it surfaced, it disappeared.

"I'm only kidding." I punch his arm.

"Ow." He pretends.

I turn to leave, and Pat catches my suitcase my the handle.

"If you have time....can you send me more songs?" Pat says softly, so that Jon doesn't hear.

I smile. "Of course. What should the songs be about?" I ask.

Pat hesitates, then says, "Finding love"

He puts his hands in his pockets.

"Sure thing." I smile again. Aw. Is Pat finally in love?

"Let's goooo!" Jonathan rolls his suitcase, and it crashes into the couch. "Oops."

Look how excited he is! I cant help but laugh at him. He's like a young boy on Christmas morning!

"Alright! Here we go!" I open the door, and we walk to our Taxi out front.

We drive to the airport, and Jonathan hums the whole way there. And you know what he's humming?


I'm giggly, which is unusual. I'm usually calmer than this. I guess you could say Jonny makes me feel giddy.

But the thought if meeting his parents worry me a bit. Obviously there's the thought of 'What if they dont like me?' And then you realize you're being paranoid and overthinking it.

We board the plane, and a few fans recognize Jonny. We're sitting in the business class section, and Jonny signs a few autographs and takes a few photos.

"Look at you, bein all famous." I wink.

He chuckles. "Are you okay with them taking your picture? There's this journalist here, and he kind of wants to do a segment... I'm okay with it, but it'll mean he's recording this here" Jonny frowns apologetically.

I smile. I don't worry about photographers anymore. If i want to be with Jonny, i will. "Go ahead." I tell him.

Jonathan gestures to the young journalist, and he comes with a camera.

"How do you feel about the Stanley Cup?" The journalist asks.

"Obviously it's a huge accomplishment. The team did such a great job in winning this, we really put ourselves out there. I mean, we're living proof that anything IS possible. If you wouldve told me before, two goals in seventeen seconds? I'd say no way. But now that we've actually done it..... I feel like we've grown so much as athletes, and as people." Jonathan nods.

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