Chapter 48

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I open my door, and see Vivian already seated inside. She's on her phone.

She looks up, when she hears me.

"Alex! Great to see you're alive! How are you feeling?" She says. Then i remember that she hasn't seen me since i fainted.

"I'm good." I smile, "Thanks for collecting this." I say, gesturing towards the papers and textbooks.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great, i know." She laughs.

I grin at her. I can always count on Vivian to lighten the mood.

"You aren't upset about Tazer, are you?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"I'm bummed out, of course. But there's nothing we can do. He promised me he'll be back, and i have faith. But I can't help thinking that I'm his one time girl on the road." I say.

The idea pops up in my head sometimes, but when I'm with him, i know for sure that we're together. Now that he's gone, i think to myself, what if I'm his one time girl?

"Come one, Alex! I see the way he looks at you! Don't doubt a single thing. He won't leave you like Matthew did." She says Matthew slow, trying not to bring him up.

She knows that I'm thinking of Matthew.

"Its fine." I tell her, "I honestly dont give a shit about Matt." I say truthfully.

"Then what are you worrying about?" She plops on the bed.

"I don't care about Matt, but what he did bothers me. He left me to pursue a freaking career! A career that we BOTH had a part in, and especially when i most needed support. I know Jonathan is different, and the scenario is different. I want him to keep playing hockey. But how many times is he on the road? How many girls does he meet?" I shake my head. This is making me go crazy.

"Alex, Alex listen." Vivian gets serious.

I stop pacing, and sit on the bed where she was lying.

"Jonathan is not like Matt! First of all, you have to stop being paranoid. Second, can't you tell he's so serious? He's serious about so many things, especially relationships. He won't screw around with just anyone, and definetly not you! I mean, who can break your innocent little heart? So just don't be DREW DOUGHTY about yourself. Get it?" She laughs hysterically.

Oh my god. Did she really just say Drew Doughty? I burst into a weird fit of giggles, but managed to mantain myself.

"I am pretty paranoid..." i admit, "You know what? You're right. He's a serious person, and he wouldn't do that. He just wouldn't." I convince myself.

"Good." Vivian nods. "BUT DREW DOUGHTY WAS THAT NOT CLEVER?" she starts laughing again.

Then, i lose it. I lie down on the bed clutching my stomach. This shouldn't even be this funny!

"That was a good one, I'll give it to you!" I say between barks of laughter.

I calm down a little, and sigh. This is why Vivian is such an amazing person.

"Mmm!" Vivian sits up, remembering something.

"What?" I ask, curious.

"We have a biology project. Be my partner, pretty pleeeeaase!" She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip at me.

"Partner projects in Uni? That's unusual!" I say, skeptical.

"Well um, will you be my partner or not?" She says.

"Yeah yeah, of course." I wave her off. My phone's ringing.

"Hello?" I say, picking up.

"Alex." It was Jonathan's voice.

"Yes?" I ask, uncertain what he wants.

"I'm just checking to see if you'll be watching the game tonight?" He ended the sentence with a question.

I smiled. "You can count on it." I say.

I hear him sigh. "I miss you." He says quietly.

"Me too." I whisper into the phone.

Vivian gestures she's going to leave, and she does.

"I have to ask you something." Jonathan says.

I remain silent, waiting for the question.

"Will you come on the road with me?" He asks.

Excuse me? Did i hear correctly? He wants me with him on the road! Oh i knew he wouldn't leave me! I give out a little squeal, and i hear him laugh.

Wait....but i can't. I still have my life to live. I need to finish university, and get a job of my own.

"Jonny, i can't." I say, "I really want to, you know that. But you know, school. I have three more years of it." I say.

I hear him sigh. "I know. I know you would say that, but it was worth a try. Don't worry, we'll still see each other, just not that much..." he trails off.

"Hey, as Vivian said, only time will tell." I told him.

"Yeah." He agrees. "I can see a future with you in it." I can hear his smile through the phone.

I giggle and blush. "Thanks?" I question.

"Yep," he says.

"Yeah, well i have to do homework now," i say glancing over at the huge stack of books and loose papers.

"I have to practice too," he says.

I nod, "goodbye." I say quietly.

"For now." He adds.

I smile, and hang up. That's our little 'thing' now.

I leaf through the papers Vivian left. She helped me take my music theory homework as well, she doesn't even take music! This stuff is easy. Ive done it when i was 13, scored a 99.5% . At least they rounded it to 100%, for a careless mistake.

Now the biology looks harder. Science is one of my weaknesses, and so is Literature. Math, music, and french is easy.

I work hard and catch up with my homework.

Its already 8:00 when i finish.

Yikes, the game! I quickly turn on my TV. The second period is just about to start, and the score is still 0-0.

Its Hawks vs Kings, and I have confidence my boys can do this.

I sit down on my bed to watch. Toews wins the face off at centre ice, and just seeing him on the screen makes me happy. I don't even have to look at his jersey to tell who he is, i can recognize him from the way he skates. He goes right, left right, then hesitates a little. It's so freaking cute.

The night ends with a shoot out. I watch intensely as Toews goes first.

He goes outside, inside, fakes to the left, and puts it in! Classic Gretzky! I smile. That's my boy.

He does his little celly, and i giggle. I find those so hot.

The kings cannot get past Crow, and the Hawks win! I grin at my TV, and wait until the hawks are in their change room.

I call Jonny

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