Chapter 30

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I woke up, head hurting. Ugh. What time is it? I look over to the wall clock. Did the wall clock change positions? Oh. I'm still in Vivian's room. I look over to the counter, the clock reading. 4:39 AM. I shuffle over to Vivian's bathroom, and look into the mirror. My cheeks were flushed, and i had a shine of sweat on my forehead. Why is it so hot? I felt dizzy, and i poured myself a cold cup of water. Better. I slipped back onto the couch, and fell asleep without difficulty.

                 *Next Morning*

"Rise and shine, Alex! Today's the big game, and the Hawks have arrived in Toronto last night!" She nearly jumps onto the couch.

I mumbled something unidentified, trying to say "i feel sick."

"You met Bickell?!" Said Vivian. "Damn girl, i know we're going to see him today, get up!" She takes my hand and pulls me from the couch. She gasps and lets go of my hand.

"What?" I ask her, head searing with pain.

"Your hand is burning hot." She says, worried. She lays the back of her hand on my forehead, and crinkles her eyebrows. "I think you have a fever." She mutters. "Hold on."

Vivian runs into the bathroom, and a second later, she comes back out with a thermometer. She puts it in my mouth, and i close my eyes.

"Oh my god you're 200℃. Alex, what the hell? We're going to the hospital." Vivian says.

"The game..." i stutter, "I'll see if I'm feeling any better after a few hours." I reason with her. I really want to see Jonny, he will only be in Toronto for three days.

Vivian shakes her head. "You're burning! Come on Alex." She looks down at me.

I shake my head. "No." I reply.

"ugHHH, fine! But if you're still sick by lunch, I'm calling the game off." She threatens.

I nod. "Thanks, you see THAT is why we're friends," i manage to joke.

"Stay here." She replies, "I'm going to buy some Tylenol for you." She grabs her purse. Before leaving, she turns around and says, "and THAT is why we're BEST friends," she winked.

Broken and Healing. - Jonathan Toews fanficWhere stories live. Discover now