Chapter 4

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First day officially in Calgary, and I borrowed one if the hotel's cars. I decided i would drive to the mall today. Some of my friends call me "cheap" but i think they just don't spend their money wisely. They would buy a shirt for $50, then a week later, i would see the exact same thing for $25. I like comfortable clothes, but they have to look nice and presentable.

I walked by a store called "Hockey Nation". I aways love window shopping in hockey stores. I love seeing the jerseys and hockey equipment. Obviously i can't afford a $150 dollar jersey...

I pull up to the hotel, and return the car. As i wait for the elevator, i hear cheers in the party room. This hotel sure is busy.

            *in Alex's room*

I glance up at the clock. 5:00. There's not much to do until the hockey game, so i decide to get there early. As i walk across the Lobby, i see the staff clearing up the party room.

"Party's over already?" I joked.

"Yeah, those are a bunch of wild boys." The janitor answered.

I smiled. I walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus. I cannot trust myself to drive all the way to Saddledome Stadium safely. I literally just got my license.

Broken and Healing. - Jonathan Toews fanficWhere stories live. Discover now