Chapter 53

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         *Jonathan's P.O.V.*

She said she loves me.

The feeling i got when she said that, was just amazing. I wanted her then and there so much, it felt unreal. Then i remember how it was like kissing her again. With Alex, each kiss feels like the first. Her neck was smooth and soft.

Alex interrupts my thoughts.

"Here it is!" She says excitedly.

I was so focused on Alex, that i don't even notice I've pulled into the parking lot. It's just a routine, i come here everyday for practice.

Alex has here camera around her neck, making me notice it even more.

She immediately starts snapping photos of the large building.

I take her hand, and she turns back at me to smile.

We walk through the UC, and she tells me that the ceilings are high. She talks about the posters, the food, everything.

I laugh along with her, and i realize that I've never even noticed much about this place.

The Kane posters, Crow posters, and Hossa posters.

I show her the rink, but it's currently in use by a youth hockey team- it's game seven of their Stanley Cup final.

"Can we watch?" Alex asks me with pleading eyes.

Oh god i fall for those eyes every time.

"Of course." I lock my fingers with hers, and she swings my arm.

I really like it when she does that. We walk into the rink, and the security guard stops us.

"Tickets?" He asks us.

Then, he sees who i am, and his eyes go wide.

"Come on in." He steps out of the way.

Alex rolls her eyes, and i shrug. We get seats in the middle, and the score is 1-0, in favour if the Hillcrest Canadiens from Toronto.

"Oh, so the youth team here in Chicago named themselves the Blackhawks?" Alex asks.

I nod, "Duhhhh." I say bumping her hip.

She laughs and playfully slaps me.

"It's so weird how Hillcrest named themselves the Canadiens out of all thirty teams. Don't they know that Toronto and Montreal are rivals?" She asks me.

"I don't know," i say thinking. "But what i know right now, is that the Cup is at stake and we're down 1-0!" I say.

The stadium is filled with parents and kids. Of course, this is a youth team.

"Go Blackhawks!" Alex cheers.

I laugh, and she grins.

Then, her face lights up.

"You should present the cup to the winning team!" She tells me.

"I don't know..." i trail off rubbing my hair.

"Come on! It'll be a dream come true for both teams!" She reasons.

"Alright then." I agree.

I walk up to the coaches and introduce myself. They seem pretty happy about Alex's idea, and they tell me its a tiny version of the cup.

I hold the tiny cup in my hands, and chuckle.

I bring it back to Alex, and she gasps.

"It's so cute!" She touches the cup.

We sit back down, and watch the game. The Canadiens have some good plays, but the Hawks' defence is effective. What the hawks need is more offensive plays.

"They don't seem to be getting out of their zone." Alex says thinking the same thing.

I nod, agreeing to her analysis.

The end of second horn goes off, and they retreat to the benches.

The coach starts talking to them quickly, and they make a huddle.

Their "intermissions" are only 5 minutes long.

Alex is looking at the kids, and her eyes are shining. She must really like kids.

This little boy looks at her, and she waves at him. He waves his stick back at her, and a little 'aw' escapes her lips.

Broken and Healing. - Jonathan Toews fanficWhere stories live. Discover now