Chapter 10

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We pulled up to the hotel. I didn't want to say goodbye.

"What floor are you on?" Asked Johnny.

"Seven" i answered.

"Perfect! Sharp, Keith, Seabs are on the seventh as well as me and Kaner."

"Ah no wonder why the hotel is so loud! My first night staying here, there was this loud bang..."

"Oh uh...that was Sharpie playing a prank on me and Kaner...the classic ol water pail."

I laughed. Oh boys. Oh men. Oh hockey players!

I looked up, and saw him smiling at me. "What?" I asked

"I just had the perfect idea. Girl, put on your jersey cause we are going for a late night skate with the boys!"

"What?! Me? With the boys? Nonononononono," i laughed. "This is too much!"

"Aw come on, don't be boring," he nudged me.

"How do you know i even brought skates?" I said

"What kind of Canadian doesn't bring their skates?" I teased

"Okay youre right," i confessed. "I have them."

"Great, lets go up, you can grab your skates, and we'll talk on the ice!"

He looked so happy when he's talking about the skating. He's cute.

Broken and Healing. - Jonathan Toews fanficWhere stories live. Discover now