Chapter 73

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             *Alex's P.O.V.*

This past day has been crazy. Seeing Jonathan again, seeing Matt again. Oh, right, having sex.

Jonathan asked me to go to a bar with him tonight. Apparently Andrew and Chaunette are going, so we are too. I want to see them anyways.

"I've never really been to a bar." I say.

"You're twenty! You must've snuck into a few before, haven't you?" He poked my stomach.

I flinch back, I'm very ticklish.

"I think i just found out your weak spot." Jonathan whispers into my ear. Then all of a sudden, he attacks me with tickles, and i scream.

"Jonny!" I say through my laughter.

"Mwahaha!" He fakes an evil laugh, and picks me up with ease. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he holds my legs.

He takes me over to the couch, and lays me down. He's heavy on top of me, and he starts kissing my neck.

"Jonny, not right now." I whisper.

He continues, not listening. He kisses my collar bone like he always does.

"Jonny, we have to go in like 15 minutes." I protest.

"That's more that enough." He grumbles.

I push his body lightly off of me, and sit up.

"Tonight." I promise.

He wrinkles his face at me, but gets up.

"Im going to make you drunk." He tells me, grabbing his coat.

"I don't drink." I tell him.

Truth is, i literally can't drink. I get drunk so easily, it's terrible.

"Aw come on, babe. Drink a little for me?" He gives me a pouty face.

I roll my eyes.

"Let's go." I smile as i walk out to the car.

*********At the bar*************

The loud music thumps against my chest.

Andrew and Jonny leave to get Chaunette and I drinks.

Chaunette and I catch up with each other.

"Oh it's been too long." She says.

I agree. I miss my girl. At least we've kept in touch this whole time!

Just then, Talk Dirty To Me starts playing.

Chaunette grins. She takes my arm, and pulls me out onto the dance floor.

'Been around the world don't speak your language, but your booty don't need explaining, all i really need to understand is, when, you, talk dirty to me.'

The beat drops, and Chaunette starts dancing. She dances with the music, her body moving with the rhythm. She gestures me to join her.

I laugh, and shake my head. I'm SO bad at dancing.

The boys come back, and when Andrew sees Chaunette, his eyes go wide. He grins. He joins her, and she dances along with his body. Chaunetter lifts her arms above her head, and grinds on Andrew.

Oh god. Hard to believe these two aren't even drunk yet!

"Here." Jonathan places a drink in my hands. "Drink up."

"I hope this isn't strong." I warn him. I take a sip of it, and sigh. I doesn't seem that strong. I down the whole glass.

"Woah." Jonathan says, finishing his glass.

The bar tender gives us each another, and I shrug. I'm feeling hazy already, why not?

I gulp the whole glass again.

"Alex, slow down." Jonny swings his free arm around me.

"I thought you wanted me drunk." I say, getting dizzy.

"I was kidding, babe." He kisses me on the cheek.

Suddenly, i feel hot. I take off my cardigan, revealing my dress. A few guys whistle, and Jonathan glares at them. They shut up. I guess he can look intimidating.

Grind on me starts playing.

I smile slyly at Jonathan, and drag him out next to Andrew and Chaunette.

"Girl, are you going to grind on me?" Jonathan says.

I'm feeling so happy, and dizzy. I feel hot, and i use my hand to fan myself. The beat drops, and i put my arms around Jonathan's neck. I immediately feel his hands slide up my waist, and we dance. We dance for what seemed like forever, and i suddenly feel tired. I slump back to the seats.

And then I drink more. My head begins to hammer.

"No more." I slur, stumbling against Jonathan.

"Looks like you've got yourself a drunk girl tonight." Andrew winked at Jonny.

"Man, Alex, you get drunk easily." Chaunette teases.

"I know" i say.

Then, a slow song comes on. First one of the night.

"Alex?" Jonny holds out his hand.

I smile, and take his hand. I may be drunk, but I'm still aware with what's happening.

We swayed to the music, our faces close. He moves his face closer, his lips only inches from mine. He's staring at my lips, and I'm staring at his.

We move closer, our lips finally meeting. Softness overcomes me, as i feel tingles from my heart, to my finger tips, all the way to my toes.

I feel like I'm melting into his arms, as he kisses me deeper. I feel his tongue trace my lips, asking for entrance. I open my mouth, and i feel his tongue slip in. My eyes are closed, my hand cupping the side of his cheek. This is the first time I've kissed with the tongue. I moan, as Jonny goes deeper. My whole body tingles with excitement, and my body feels weak. The only thing holding me up is Jonny's strong arms.

"That was....." I whisper as we break apart.

"Woah....." he finishes for me.

"Woah." I repeat.

"You two lovebirds!" Chaunette nudges me and winks.

I blush, and Andrew says "You ruined the moment!"

Chaunette laughs, and Andrew swings his arm casually around her waist.

"Speak for yourself, " Jonathan gestures to them.

Andrew grins, and kisses Chaunette right in the mouth.

I take Jonny's hand, and sit with him on the seats. Ugh. My head is pounding.

"You really can't drink, can you?" He asks.

"Nope." I say.

He chuckles, kissing my temple. "Its okay, we'll have fun tonight, drunk."

I raise my eyebrows.

"Let's get out of here." He says.

I nod, staring into his gleaming eyes. He doesn't even seem drunk.

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