Chapter 54

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           *Alex's P.O.V.*

Its halfway into the third, when the Hawks score!

"Wooo!" I yell, cupping my hands over my mouth.

They're tied 1-1 now, with 8:00 minutes to go. I find myself holding my breath.


I jump up and throw my arms around Jonathan. YES! The Hawks scored courtesy of a little boy "Raminder" !

OoPs. Did i really just hug him like that? I glance over at him, and he's grinning all the same.

The game goes by without any other goals, and the Hawks win the (tiny) Stanley Cup!

The parents are hugging and laughing, and I'm grinning wildly.

Jonathan presents the tiny Cup to the winning team, and the Hawks all look up surprised.

"You're Jonathan TOEWS!" A young boy said.

"That would be me." Jonathan winks.

Then, the arena irrupts in cheers and screams.

"Jonathan Toews is here!"

"Jonathan Toews!"

Jonny took pictures, signed jerseys, and even chatted with the boys.

He has such a way with little kids, its adorable!

"Can you sign my shoes?" One little boy asked.

"Sure can." Jonathan laughs, "want to take it off? Here, why don't you take them off." He says.

I sit down beside one little boy that's alone. In surprised to see that its Raminder.

"Hi," i say to him. "What's your name?"

"Tristan." He spits the word out.

"Aw come on! You should be happy, you scored the Stanley Cup winning goal!" I nudge him.

He gives off a small smile, but says "My parents weren't even here to see it."

Oh no. "Where are your parents?" I ask.

"They have WORK. On a Saturday! That's not fair!" Tristan says, face scrunching up.

"Oh Tristan, i know its tough! But you know who IS here today? Jonathan Toews! He presented YOU with the Stanley Cup!" I say.

His face relaxes a bit, and he says "Not even Tazer can replace my parents."

"I know, buddy. But for now, why don't you pretend Jonathan is your father and I'm your mother? We were watching the whole time." I say

His face lights up. "Really?"

"Most definetly! Now come on, we should be celebrating!"

I take his hand, and dance around to a random song that's playing.

He laughs, and runs off to join the others.

The big clock reads 2:08.

We haven't even eaten lunch yet! Jonathan walks over to me, noticing the time as well.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"Starving." I admit.

He nods, "They're done here, so why don't we grab lunch somewhere?"

"Sounds good to me." I smile.

I reach for his hand, the same time he reaches for mine. We grin at each other, and slowly walk out of the stands.

"Mom, dad, where are you going?" Tristan runs in front of us.

"Mommy and daddy have to go eat lunch." I reply to him, I crouch down and hug him tight. "You did well today. We're proud of you!"

Tristan smiles. "Thanks for pretending to be my mom. It made me feel better."

I hug him even tighter, then turn to leave.

"Bye Tristan."

Broken and Healing. - Jonathan Toews fanficWhere stories live. Discover now