Chapter 29

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Moving out to a dorm was a good decision. It's so much more privacy. People always say, "You're so quiet! Get out, do something!"

It annoys me a little. I like staying home and studying, or making music. Going to restaurants are okay, but the mall is too crowded for me. Of course hockey games are not! Even though it's loud and crowded, there's no better feeling. Once the  adrenaline kicks in, i am not the same person. I cheer and yell along, standing and jumping.

What should i do today? There's two more days until school starts. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Mail!" A deep voice called out.

"Coming!" I yelled, and scrambled out to the door. I had mail already?

I yanked open the door, and there stood a tall cute guy. I smiled. His name tag read "Ryan".

He held out a medium sized box, and grinned. "I'm Ryan," his smile reached his eyes. "You are...?"

I took the box and closed the door behind me. "Alex." I say holding out my hand. He shook it longer than usual, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. I slid my hand away, and asked "How much do I owe you?"

"It's on me," he winked.

Was he flirting with me? He's cute, but something about him isn't quite right. Why would he be flirting with a girl he just met? Maybe I'm being too sensitive.

"Thanks." I reply, turning to open my door.

"Alex," Ryan says, "Nice meeting you".

Without answering, i closed the door softly. I shook my head. I can tell right away that he's a jerk. I can still remember that crooked grin of his.

I shake the box wondering what it is. The label says from Chicago, Illinois. Jonathan! It must be the package he was talking about. I carefully cut open the tape, and open the box. Inside lies a neatly folded women's size small Kane jersey and Sharp jersey. On top of the jerseys was an envelope. The letter was in small boyish writing. It read:


Hi Alex,

University dorm! Wow you better not be partying too much! Just kidding, you wouldn't. My letters won't be coming as often, i have a lot of games on the road. Some of these games include coming to Toronto! I bought you two tickets to that. Please come out so we can meet. Bring a friend! While we're in Toronto, i can show you my house where you can practise. (if that's something you're still interested in doing.) The Kane jersey is for your friend (the Boston fan) and the Sharp one is for you. You're Canadian so i thought it would be something you like. Hope to see you soon.


P.S. don't mail back, I'm out of Chicago for a while.


I look into the envelope again, finding two Leafs tickets for this Sunday. School will be starting on Monday, so i guess that'll be fine. Jonathan is so sweet! Another jersey! And one for Vivian as well. I cant help myself from smiling. I want to mail something back, but he says not to. That's odd, but I'll respect his choices.

I slip on the Sharp jersey and bring the box to Vivian's dorm. (I have they key to her dorm, and vice versa.)

"Hey Alex!" She grins, "Watcha got there?" She asks gesturing towards the box.

"Mail from Jonathan." I reply.

"What?!" She screeched. "HE MAILS YOU AND EVERYTHING?! GURLL let me see!" She grabs the box out of my hand.

"Viv, calm down!" I laugh. I take the box back, and say "I talked about you and he bought you a Kane jersey." I say handing it to her. "Oh damn it's signed too!" I notice. "And two tickets to Hawks at Leafs, you and I of course," i winked. I leave the rest out. Especially about skating practise.

"Oh my gosh...." Vivian gushed. "This Kane jersey. I'M SLEEPING WITH IT TONIGHT DAMN KANE IS A SEXY PRICE OFF ASS." she exclaims.

"Yes yes," i laugh. "Perks of being friends with a NHLer" i say. I feel like he's being so sweet, sending me these things he knows i cant afford.

"The game is tomorrow!" Vivian realized. "We need to get ready!" She exclaims.

"What's the rush?" I say. "We still have tomorrow morning, you don't need to prepare anything anyways, it's just the tickets and wearing jerseys. They might want to hang the next day," i say.

"We have school the next day," Vivian says sadly.

"Yeah, i know," i say. "But after 1:30 i have a spare, then I'm done for the day." I say.

"Lucky!" She slaps me. "I have a full schedule up until 5:00!" She complains.

"But i start early," i reason with her. "Its okay, there will be other times!" I promise her.

"Fine." She pouted.

"Aww," i say, grabbing her chin in my fingers, i move her head side to side.

"GAAAAHHHH! STOP!" she screams.

We both fall back on her bed laughing, and we sigh. What a great night!

Broken and Healing. - Jonathan Toews fanficWhere stories live. Discover now