Chapter 82

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          *Summer of Stanley*

           *Jonathan's P.O.V.*

"Woooo!" I scream as Kaner jumps into the pool.

The Stanley Cup is sitting by my side, as Pat is in the pool with the team. I'm waiting for Alex to arrive, she said she'd be here soon. Winning the Stanley cup was amazing. 17 seconds. That's all it takes. If I had never lived the experience, and you told me it happened, i wouldn't believe it. But it happened. 2 goals, in 17 seconds. I smile, living the memory once more.

"Jonny!" Alex walks into the gates of Coach Q's large house. The man opens the door, and she walks towards me. She's in a tank top, shorts, and she had sunglasses on top of her head. I swing my arm around her shoulders, using her as an arm rest.

She stuck her tongue out, because she knows i love to make fun of her height.

"School officially over. One more year, until i graduate teacher's college. Look out, music industry, I'm coming for you!" She stretches her arms open, for dramatic effect.

I laugh. She seems relaxed today. I've learned that school creates an intense amount of stress on her. I'm glad she's finally loosening up. She's one smart girl, and she works for everything she gets.

"Al!" Pat gives her a huge bear hug from behind, and she shrieks.

"You're so wet!" She squirms in his hug.

He grins. "That's what SHE said!"

"Gross, Pat." Alex laughed.

Patrick snickers, and runs off into the pool.

"Alex, alex, alex!" Andrew places his hands in front of her eyes.

Alex reaches behind, and tickles his stomach. "I know it's you, Andrew!"

Andrew laughed hysterically, as Alex tickled him. As i said, Shawzy is so attached to Alex, in the sense of he's a child. I grin. The team really loves her and accepts her.

Then, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I pick up.

"Jon! When are you bringing Alex home?" My mom says.

"A nice 'hello, how are you doing?' Would be appreciated." I mumble.

"Oh. Sorry. Hello, how's it going?" She asks, unaware of my sarcasm.

I laugh. "It's great. We're having a pool party at Q's house right now."

"Okay. Is Alex there?" She asks.

"Yes." I answer, uncertain of what she wants.

"Bring her home soon. You said summer!" She warns.

"Okay, okay. I'll bring her the same time I visit Winnipeg with the cup." I tell her.

"Good." She says with approval.

We talk more about plans to come back, and she hangs up.

I'm not worried if my parents like Alex or not, i know they will. I just don't know if Alex will think we're taking things too fast. It's already been 2 years with her, i personally think it's time.

"Alex, can I talk to you in the house for a sec?" I touch her arm lightly.

"Yeah, sure." She leaves Andrew, and walks into the house, taking off her flip flops.

"What's up?" She asks, opening a can of Coke.

"I want you to come home with me. I want you to meet my parents, when I visit Winnipeg with the Cup." I say.

She takes a gulp of Coke, and squeezes her eyes.

"Oh god that's a lot of fizz" she gestures to the Coke.

"Of course, Jonny. I'll come with you. Can i come to Canadian Tire too? I want to see all the fans." She grins at the thought of it.

"Great." I sigh, relieved.

"On one condition.... I promised my mom you'll come to Toronto too" She adds.

"That's perfect!" I hug her.

She laughs. "And i thought it'd be hard to ask you! I'm glad you opened up about it first." She holds my hand.

"Eh, what can I say?" I act nonchalant.

She grins, and playfully slaps me.

Just then, Q pokes his head through the door.

"What? You two youngsters aren't going swimming? Come on, Jonny! Alex!" He gestures to the blue water outside of the clear doors.

He runs outside, and i laugh. It's not everyday you see Q acting crazy.

"I didn't bring my swim suit." Alex pouts.

"What? Aw, man, it's a pool party! Of course you need a swim suit!" I say, disappointed. "Ask Chaunette for an extra please? She asked Andrew to choose between a white one and green one. He chose white, so the green is all yours. It'll look better on you anyways," i kiss her cheek.

She smiles, and shyly pulls away from my kiss. She's shy that way.

Chaunette and Alex walk into the bathroom, and she changes.

Alex walks out, and I realize, that this is the first time I'm seeing her in a bikini. Obviously I've seen her without clothes.... well, you know.

"It looks hot." I whisper in her ear.

She blushes, and laces her fingers in mine. She hides behind me, a little self conscious.

"It's okay." I tell her.

"Everyone's so beautiful." She gestures to Amanda Bickell, Elina Hjalmarsson, and Chaunette.

"Who cares? You're beautiful." I kiss her forehead.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"Let's go." I hold her waist as we walk out into the bright sunlight of the hot Chicago weather.

"Alex is looking goood." Patrick says, squinting at her, the sun in his eyes.

"You too, Pat." She shoots back, staring at his chest.

"Oops." Pat shrugs, and goes back to annoying Sharpie.

Man, we've gotta find Kaner a girl.

(I know i said earlier he was dating a girl called Amanda, but he's not with anyone.)

A/N: I'm ending this story soon! Only a few more chapters left.... There WILL be a kind if sequel thing, but it'll be on the life of Kane! When i wrote the part about Patrick talking about his feelings with Jonny, I thought that i would write another story about Patrick and his life. It'll still include characters like Jonathan and Alex! It'll be like a sequel, but a different story in different P.O.V.s! Comment if you don't understand, and I'll try and furthermore explain this (:

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