Chapter 63

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One year later:

           *Jonathan's P.O.V.*

"Hey, Jonny boy! What are you doing, just standing around? Let's hit the ice!" Patrick slapped me on the back.

It was a day before the Stadium Series, and there's a family skate on Soldier's Field.

I was thinking of Alexandra. The last time i saw her, was at one of these family skates. I haven't seen her in about a year. I hope she's well. We've completely lost contact, even though i still have her number. Everyday, I still think about her. I want so much, to hear her laugh, feel her lips, and smell her hair. Some nights, my finger will hover over the number, pondering if i should call her. It's too late though, we haven't spoken in forever. Maybe she even gotten her number changed.

"Alright." I say. Patrick brought Amanda, his new girlfriend, and Shawzys got his mom and Chaunette here. Of course, i have no one. Mum and dad are in Winnepeg, they never come to family skates. Sharpy comes in with Madelyn, and i laugh. She's the cutest!

I skate out onto the ice, Alex leaving my mind.

"Hey!" Coach Q skates over to me.

"Yes?" I question.

"We have a fan who wants to meet you. His name is Tristan Raminder. He's quite a player for a 9 year old." He says.

"Sure, bring him in." I say. Why does that name sound so familiar? I shrug, thinking that it's nothing.

Q nods, and gestures for me to come into the change room. I walk in, and take off my hat.

"Hey buddy, hows it going?" I stop when i realize who it is. Tristan Raminder! Of course.

"Tazer? Oh my god it really IS you!" Tristan gets excited, and hugs me.

I laugh, and hug him back. "We've met before, eh buddy?" I ask.

"Yep," he grins, "you remember? I scored the game seven stanley cup winning goal in my youth league!" He says proudly.

"I do remember." I say, smiling at the memory.

"Where's that girl? The really nice and pretty girl that cheered me up?" He asks, eyes wide.

I felt my face grow hot, and i looked down. Of course, Alex.

"I don't know where she is," is say truthfully.

"I thought you were married. She was mom, and you were dad." He says, confused.

"Married people can split up too, you know." I didn't say the truth, Coach Q was already raising an eyebrow questioningly.

Tristan shrugged, and tilted his head as if he didn't understand.

"Alright, enough of that, come on Raminder. Show Tazer what you got!" Coach Q patted Tristan on the helmet.

Tristan nods obediently, and skates onto the ice. I follow him out, and Kaner skates over.

"Hey buddy." Patrick gives Tristan a high five.

"Patrick Kane." Tristan stares up, jaw dropping.

"That's right." Patrick chuckles.

"Q tells us he's decent. Let's play," i tell Tristan.

Kane passes it up to me, and i pass the puck to Tristan. Tristan skates with it, his technique unbelievable for a 9 year old. He puts it through the five-hole of Crow, who i guess wasn't expecting that.

"What!" Crow exclaims taking off his helmet. "That's down right unbelievable!" He gives Tristan a fist bump.

Tristan is completely humble, fist bumping him back.

"I see this one in major league hockey one day." Coach Q says.

The rest of the open skate passes quickly, and it's time for Tristan to leave.

"I hope you get to see the pretty girl again." He tells me when he leaves.

"Me too." I say.

Do you guys remember Tristan? Thanks again for reading and sticking with this story!

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