35: Queen

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Lilith's POV:

 I sit on my couch, watching Thomas and Paisley play with blocks. I hear my phone ring. I get up off the couch, and walk to the kitchen where my phone is. I look at the caller ID, blocked. After a moment of hesitation, I answer the phone.

Lilith: Hello?

Queen: Lilith! This is Queen Elizabeth.

Lilith: Oh! How are you?

Queen: Good good. Now, I am coming to see you and the team jump tomorrow.

Lilith: Oh, okay. We will be training around 12.

Queen: Yes. Now, make sure you bring your family, Zara and I are excited to meet your kids!

Lilith: Yes mam'!

Queen: Well, I must go. Have a wonderful day!

Lilith: You as well.

 I hang up the phone. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream. "Whats wrong!?" Daniel asks panicked. "THE QUEEN IS COMING! AND SHE WANTS TO MEET THE TWINS!" I yell, dancing around. "Thats amazing!" Daniel laughs. 

 I jump into his arms, and kiss him on the lips. "Who the queen?" Paisley asks, pulling on the pants of my leg. "A very important person." I smile. "She wants to meet us?" Thomas asks. "Yes!" I smile.

                                                                              -Next Day-

 We woke up early, to get read to meet the Queen. I curl Paisley's hair, while Daniel smooths Thomas's. Everyone is dressed nicely, but me. I'm wearing tan riding pants, and a white polo shirt. "Come on." I say, leading the twins into the truck.

 As we drive, I become nervous, and my stomach starts to turn into knots. We get to Huston Jumping, when I feel worst then ever. "Ready?" Daniel asks, squeezing my hand. "No." I chuckle. "You're going to do great." Daniel smiles.

 We go inside, and I tack up Chip. Paisley, Thomas, Daniel, and I walk out, with me leading Chip. Queen Elizabeth was sitting on the top seats. I kiss my family, and they go up and sit down. I get on Chip, and gallop him around the arena once.

 I jump over 10 8'0 jumps. I clear all of them, without even a clip. I trot Chip over by where Daniel and the twins sat. I stopped. They came down, and Daniel handed me each twin, one by one. I sat them on Chip, just in front of me. 

 We walk over to the Queen. "Queen Elizabeth, this is my husband Daniel, and my children, Paisley and Thomas. " I smile. "Hello, come come children." The Queen says in her thick accent. I put Paisley and Thomas down, and they walk together over to the Queen. "I got something for each of you." She says. "A princess crown for Paisley, and a toy sword for Thomas. Paisley, you shall get thins, only if you promise to be nice to every living thing." She says. "Okay!" Paisley squeals. Queen Elizabeth sets a small crown on Paisley's head. "Thomas, you shall get thins only if you promise to protect every living thing." She says once again. "Yes." Thomas says. Queen Elizabeth gives Thomas his plastic sword. "May I present, Princess Paisley, and the knight, Sir Thomas." Queen smiles.

 "Thank you!" Thomas and Paisley say together. "Now, I did not forget the birthday girl." The queen smiles. "It is a bit late, but better late then never." She says, clasping her hands together. Two men come out, holding a tack set. It is beautiful, a black English saddle, with my name engraved on it. "My goodness, thank you!" I say running to the saddle. "No, thank you." Queen Elizabeth smiles.



 So whats up? How has your summer been? Now, I have a question, what is your favorite chapter?


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