9: Prom

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Lilith's POV:
"Lilith, get up sweet heart." Mom rubes my arm. "We have to get ready for prom." She says. I rub my tired eyes. "Okay." I get up.

I walk to the bathroom and sit on the chair Mom put down. She starts to do my make up. Then, there is a knock at the door. "Hold on hun." She puts the mascara down.

"Soraya!!" I hear Mom call. I walk to the living room to see what or who she is talking about. I see Mom hugging a woman, she has long brown curly hair and brown eyes.

"I missed you! Who is this?" She says, looking at me. "Oh l, this is my and Ty's daughter, Lilith. Lil, this is my best friend Soraya." Mom introduced us. "Hi. It is so nice to meet you." She hugs me. "Hi." I greet back.

"Lilith is going to prom, can you help with the makeup?" Mom asked. "Ya, I would love to help my niece!" Soraya said. We walk to the bathroom and Soraya does my makeup.

-Later That Night-
I move my hair in the perfect place, and put some gloss on. Damn I hate wearing this much makeup. "Can't I just wear boots?" I ask, trying to get use to the heels. "If you want." Mom says. "No! This is the one day to impress Daniel. Boots aren't gonna cut it." Soraya cuts in.

I really like her, she is super sweet, and helpful. "True." I agree. I hear a ding on my phone, "That's Daniel, he is on his way." I say, getting up and getting my purse. Mom, Soraya, and I walk down the stairs. Damn it is tricky with heels.

"Awww." Dad says, as I walk out of the barn, which gives me a slight blush. "Can we take a photo?" Dad asks. "Sure." I say. "I'll take the photo." Soraya takes Mom's camera. "Can Chip be in it?" I ask. "You are just like your mother!" Dad laughs, and we move to Chip's stall.

Just then, Georgie comes out. She has her hair tied to the side, with a slight curl at the end. Her dress it a dark blue, with sparkles on the shoulder strap. "Hey." She walks over. "You hate the heels too?" I ask. "Ya." She laughs. We take a few photos together, and Lou and Peter with Georgie.

Just then, a limo shows ups Adam and Daniel get out. "Hey." Daniel says, with his hand behind his back. "This is so sweet of you guys!" Georgie says. "Only the best for my girl." Adam replied. "I got you something." Daniel hands me a white corsage. "I have one as well." Adam handed Georgie a white one. "Thank you." I hug him.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs.Borden, for letting me take Lilith to prom." Daniel walks up to Mom and Dad. "Take care if her." Dad says. "Yes sir." Daniel replied. "Bye." I hug mom and dad, dad kisses me on the forehead. We get in the Limo.

-After Prom And Dinner-
We get out of the Limo, and it drives off. The 4 of us are left in the cold. I hold my arms shivering. "Here." Daniel takes off his jacket, and placed it on my shoulders.

"Adam and I are going to check on Phoenix in the field." Georgie told us, leaving Daniel and J alone. "Can I see Chip?" He asked. "Ya." We walked to the barn.

"His real name is Sputnik." I tell Daniel. "I like Chip much better." Daniel replied. "I wanted to ask you something." He says, looking at me in the eyes. "Ya?" I ask. "Do you... do you want to be my girlfriend?" He ask. "Like, official?" I ask. "Ya." He answered. "I would love to." I smile.

This is my first boyfriend. He might be a year older than me, but we are in the same grade. I was so happy, then everything became better. He pushed me against the stall door, and kissed me.

"That's my ride." He says, after a car pulls in. "Bye." He his me.

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