17: Graduate

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Lilith's POV:
My alarm goes off, waking me. I turn it off, and look at the time, 5:30. I slug out of bed, and to the kitchen. I get my keys, a pen and paper.

Mom & Dad,
I went to my hair apt. I'll be back at 9:00.

-Lil <3

I put the pen down, and grab my purse. I walk out and to the car. It is still dark out, the sun is almost risin, but not all the way.

I see Georgie slugging over to the truck, dragging a jacket behind her.

"Did you have to make the appointments so early?" She yawns. "Ya, graduation is at 10." I answer.

I turn on the car, and back out of the tight spot between others.

Daniel's POV:
I look at the alarm clock, it is 8:30, I should probably get up. I get out of bed, and to the kitchen.

I pour orange juice into a tall glass cup. I drink the juice, and got to my phone on the counter. There are endless texts from Lilith.

I ignore the text, and go get ready.

I style my hair, up right and combed back at the same time. I don't know why I bother, my cap is going on my head anyways.

I put on a button up, blue and white, plad shirt, and jeans.

I look at the clock, it is 9:30. I grab my keys, gown and cap. I am about to leave, when I turn around and run to my room.

I shuffle through the cabinets, shuffling through the cloths. I finally find what I am looking for, a small velvet box. I open it and see a silver ring, with a diamond on top.

A grin sneaks onto my face, and I turn to leave.

Georgie's POV:
I get in my gown and cap, adjusting the cap to fit right. I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see Daniel.

"Lilith isn't here." I say, turning back to the mirror. "Ya, I need to talk to you." He says, closing the door behind him.

He shuffles through his pocket. He pulls out a small velvet box, and opens it to show a diamond ring.

"What's this for?" I ask, looking up from the box. "Lilith." He states. "I want to have your blessing to marry her." He continues.

I stand there wide eyed. "You should be asking Ty, not me." I chuckle. "I did, but you are her best friend. And I want your blessing." He smiles. "Yes." I say cheerful.

Lilith's POV
I sit on a chair, tapping my foot on the grass. I look back and see the whole family behind me, just 2 or 3 rows behind. I smile and wave at Harper, and she waves back.

"Hello everyone?" I hear, I turn around and see Mrs.Willhight talking into a mic. "Welcome to the graduation on 2019!" She claps, and everyone does the same.

She starts calling names, mine being Fleming-Borden, right before Georgie's. I go up, grab my diploma, and walk off.

After everyone's names is called, I get called for my speech.

"Lil! Hi!" Harper waves, making everyone laugh. "Hi, my name is Lilith Fleming-Borden. I was adopted 2 years ago, by an amazing family." I pause. "My parents decided 4 years before that they didn't want me anymore, I didn't even talk for 3 years. For some odd twisted reason, that is the best thing ever. Without that, I would have never met all my best friends and family." I smile. "Long story short, some of the worst things to happen, might become the best soon." I finish.

Everyone stands and claps. "Any questions?" Mrs.W asks. Many people raise their hands. Mrs.W points to a guy. "What collage are you going to?" He asks. "I am taking a year off and focusing on Horse Jumping." I smile.

"WAIT!" I hear. I turn and see Daniel. "You okay?" I ask. "No." He comes on the stage. Mrs.W backs up. "What's wrong?" I ask worried.

"We have been dating for 2 years, not long compared to many, but we never broke up." Daniel says. "I love you, and I want you forever." He says, getting on one knee, opening a small velvet box.

"Will you marry me?" He smiles.

The whole group gasps, and so do I. My mouth is wide open. "Y.... yes!" I say, lunging myself in him, and kissing him.

"WOOHOOO!" Daniel says, pushing his fist in the air. I laugh.

At the end of graduation, the whole family gathers for a picture. "Wait!" I say, before Mrs.W takes the photo.

"Daniel!" I call, waving him over. Daniel's parents died last year, so he lives alone. "Come on! Get in the picture!" I laugh. He gets in and smiles.

"Here you go." Mrs.W hands me the camera. "I'm going to miss you, Don't tell anyone, but I liked you best." She smiled. "Thanks! I'll miss you too!" I laugh.

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