34: Birthday

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Lilith's POV:
"Happy Birthday Mommy!" I wake up to Thomas and Paisley jumping on the bed. "Here you go." Daniel says, putting a tray of food on my lap. "Thanks!" I smile, kissing him on the lips.

I eat the breakfast, sharing it with Thomas and Paisley. "Momma, how old are you?" Thomas asks, with a mouth full of toast. "24."
I answer. Thomas and Paisley gasp. "You're old." Paisley says, I laugh.

"We for you something!" Paisley says, pulling me out of bed and down stairs. She walks me outside. "CLOSE YOUR EYES!!" Thomas yells, jumping at me. I close my eyes, and trust the twins to lead me.

"Open!" I hear, after I am led for awhile. I open my eyes, and once they adjust to the light, I see a small goat kid. "A goat?!?" I shriek. I run up to it, and scoop it in my arms.

"What's its name?" I ask. "Thomas and Paisley picked Parker." Daniel answers. The kid has a light brown and white pain body, and pure brown face. "I love it!" I say, putting down Parker and holding my arms out for Thomas and Paisley to hug me.

"Thank you!" I whisper. "There is also one more thing." Daniel smiles. "What?" I ask. "Stay here." He says. He runs off behind the barn, and drives back with an old truck, like my Dad's but white instead of blue.

"Oh my god!" I say running to it. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I yell, swinging my arms over Daniel's neck once he gets out. I kiss him flat on the lips, and hold it there until I needed to breath. I jump in the car, and turn it on. "Sounds amazing!" I yell after the engine roars.

 'You go on a drive, I'll watch the kids." I hear, I turn and see Harper walking from the back of the car. "Thanks sis!" I say, getting out of the car, and hugging her. "No problem, you and Daniel deserve a break." She says. "Happy birthday  sis!" She whispers in my ear just before we pull apart.

 I get in the truck, and Daniel gets in the passenger seat. "Thanks again!" U yell back, just before I turn off the ranch. "Can I drive real quick?" Daniel asks, after I have driven for almost  an hour. "Sure." I say pulling over.

 We switch seats, and Daniel turns around. "Where are you going?" I ask, buckling my seat belt. "Surprise." Daniel smiles. I bug him almost 10 minutes for the smallest hit, but he wouldn't budge. I give up, and look out the window, and I see many cows and horses, grazing the meadows.

 "Close your eyes." Daniel says, looking from the road to me. I squeeze my eyes, so I can barely see. "All the way." Daniel says. I laugh and put my hands over my face, so they fully cover my eyes, proving I can't see.

 My eyes are closed for a good 5 minutes, until Daniel finally parks. "Keep your eyes shut, or you'll ruin the surprise!" Daniel says, getting out of the truck and slamming the door. I hear the tail gate open, and I hear ruffles behind me, calling me to open my eyes, but I don't.

 "Okay, come out!" I hear Daniel's muffle voice. I get out, and when I turn, I see a beautiful meadow view, and Daniel in the bed of the truck. "Get in." Daniel says, standing up and offering me a hand up. I accept his offer, and put my hand in his. I boost up on the bed, and sit. Daniel sits by me, and I lean my head on his shoulder.

 "I can't believe it, 24, you're old." Daniel teases. I shove his shoulder, smile. I lean my head back on his shoulder. "I never thought my biological parents putting me in a foster home would be the best thing ever." I whisper. "How so?" He asks, looking at me.

 "If I was never put up for adoption, I would have never gone to Heartland, never gotten adopted, never met you, and worst of all, never had Thomas and Paisley." I say. "Whats the best thing that has ever happened to you?" Daniel asks. "Besides having Thomas and Paisley." He adds.

 "Being put up for adoption." I answer. "You?" I ask. "Meeting you." Daniel says, in a sweet voice. I kiss him. "One second." He says, hoping off the truck, and going to the front. He takes off the seat, and puts it on the roof. He shuffles for a minute, and puts whatever he was looking for. He puts the item on the ground of the truck, and puts the seat back in place.

 "No way to say, how the days will unfold. No way to change, what the future may hold. But I want you in it, every hour, every minute. The world can race by, far too fast. Hard to see while its all flying past. But it's clear now, with you standing here now, I am meant to be, wherever you are next to me. All I want to do, is come running home to you, running home to you." Daniel sings, strumming a guitar.

 I start to feel tear come down my face, as Daniel continues the song. "No way to say, how the day will unfold. No way to change what the future may hold. But I want you in it, every hour every minute." He finishes.



 Okay, so I decided, I don't want to finish this quite yet. I will once Season 11 is fully out. Sound goo? If you are wondering what song that is, it is Runnin' Home To You by Grant Gustin (Acoustic version preferred). It is my favorite song! I think you should listen, amazing song. Thats it, see you tomorrow!!"


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